Headcanons pt 5 (affectionate S/O)

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By: golden-guard-cult

★彡 Not gonna lie, Hunter was probably very confused and perhaps even a little annoyed at first by the treatment that S/O gave him.

★彡 It's pretty obvious that he's faced a lot of emotional neglect from Belos. You've gotta have a pretty solid resolve and mind if you wanna make it into the Emperor's Guard, much less as Belos's right hand man. That being said, Hunter might chalk up your affection to something like pity.

★彡 Why are you pitying him? He's the Golden Guard! Emperor Belos's right hand! How dare you undermine him.

★彡 Over time, he'll realize that there's no ill intent behind your antics and that you're actually just being very kind. It takes a bit, but eventually he'll grow accustomed to your treatment.

★彡 Your affection does grow on him later on. He will NOT admit this, but it is pretty obvious that he's coming around to liking it.

★彡 Hunter might start lingering around you more, bragging about recent missions and assignments he'd completed and went successfully. It's all to draw out the words of affirmation you give him, the heartfelt praise that he hasn't received from anyone in a very long time.

★彡 It's no doubt that Hunter is touch starved, so when you start hugging him the next few times you two meet it fries his brain a little. He does get a little flustered.

★彡 The first time you gifted something to him made him indescribably happy. You'd woken up extra early that morning to make him a home-cooked lunch and packed it neatly. He was elated that you brought him a gift, and his heart nearly skipped a beat when he found that it was your cooking— you really did something so heartfelt for him?

★彡 "I poured all my love into this, so I really hope you like it!" You told him.

★彡 The food looks very good, and when he finally has the time to sit and enjoy it he kinda doesn't wanna eat it at all. It's a masterpiece, he would frame it and keep it in his room if he could. You said you put all your love into it too! It kinda makes him giddy thinking about it.

★彡 Yes, he does eventually eat it. All of it. And man does your love taste good.

★彡 His performance at work improves, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Belos. But then again, nothing goes unnoticed by the Emperor (Except Eda committing cha cha real smooth in and out of jail). That being said, Belos is aware of you. While he doesn't like distractions in his guard, perhaps your presence in Hunter's life is beneficial— especially when his most current efforts in work have yielded such wonderful results. So Belos does tolerate your existence.

★彡 Eventually, your presence brings Hunter a tingly giddiness. In fact, it has been for a while. You often occupy his mind while he works, and each decision he makes during his assignments are made with the intent of— of course— making the Emperor happy, but also to impress you when he tells you about it later. When you praise him, it means a lot.

★彡 He really, really likes your hugs. They're warm and comforting, and they pleasantly singe his nerves and leave him feeling light on his feet once you let go. Everything about you is wonderful, really. He's never felt so happy around someone.

★彡 And he begins to realize that maybe...maybe....... maybe he has an itty bitty wittle crush on you....

a/n: holy shit thanks so much you guys for 1k views this is amazing! should i do more golden guard stuff in the future? (written by me lol)

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