Hang out session !

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You and slender have been hanging out often. You two would meet in the forest and mainly go on walks or have picnics. Slender would even tell you about his other pasta's that he watches at the slender-mansion. It's quite funny to hear he would even inform you on the history behind this forest which you found interesting. You spend hours talking and getting to know each other more this has been going on for weeks. every time you have to go home you find yourself hoping the day would go by faster so you can go and meet up with slender.

Jeff the killer:
You and Jeff soul hang out in your basement. It was cleaned up and made into a little bro cave. It had a sofa a tv and a mini fridge. You two would practice your combative skills and talk about how dumb you both are giggling and  just enjoying each other's company of course you and him would tease each other non stop but you didn't mind. You and Jeff were both competitive souls. Sometimes Jeff would even fluster you only a little when he pinned you down to the mat you had placed when u both sparred. You liked having Jeff around.

Laughing jack:
After your little encounter with laughing jack you have come to the carnival more often and even went to candy factories for the tour. You enjoyed yourself a lot and so did LJ he even stole some candy from the factory which made you giggle. You both were candy gremlins. No one was ganna stop you two from getting hyper candies.

Eyeless jack:
You would mainly see EJ at night when he came by you had to keep reminding him that you don't eat kidneys and that not to spill too much blood on the floor. He eventually would come by with kidneys and some snacks for you that is not human organs. But like chips or a drink. You found it sweet you both would watch funny videos and snack on your different snacks. You were happy with EJ's company. You felt a sorta of warmth when around him like your safe and secure.

Ticci Toby:
You would hang in the alley and bring Toby some waffles. Once you both went to a restaurant and ordered the all you can eat waffles and pancakes. Ohhhh boy. Was that a mistake. You both scarfed down at least 5 serving of 4 stack waffles. You would both go to your house and pass out form being full but regret nothing. Toby would cuddly you he was awfully cuddly for a cold blooded killer you thought. But you shrugged the thought and just enjoyed his presence.

You texted masky the cheesecake recipe and after that you kept getting small videos from him making the cheesecake let's just say he wasn't the best at making it. You invited him over so you and him can work on making it together after that you both made cakes he helped decorate and especially helped sampling the cheesecake. You found his company charming and helpful. You could tell the feeling was mutual. The occasional food war would happen with the batter and you both would be laughing your ass off after. It was just fun.

Ben Drowned:
After ben and you met you both have pulled all nighters playing games and competing with one another. You both would marble and help eachother out and occasionally have a pillow war you started because be wouldn't stop trying to cheat and glitch the game. You both got to know each other with ever visit. It's safe to say that you and Ben were good friends.

Sorry for the short chapter. hope you are enjoying the book! -bittersweet god.

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