Chapter 1

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My eyes cracked open to the striking sound of my alarm clock.

God, make it stop.

I shoved a pillow over my face and tried to ignore the irritating beeping. It partially worked and I was starting to fall asleep... Until my mom screamed at me from downstairs.


Startled, I awoke and groaned, realizing my beauty sleep will have to wait another day.

I quickly arrange my blond hair in a bun and applied makeup even though I didn't really have the time to. When I was finished, I pulled on random summer clothes and did a brief check in the mirror, slightly satisfied I didn't look that bad. I finally came downstairs.

"I'm coming." I responded to her call even though it's a few minutes late.

I really try to be enthusiastic about spending nearly the entire day trapped in the car with my parents and my little brother with no wireless Internet connection, but it's difficult to smile. It's going to be a long ride. At least we're going to meet my best friend, Alexandra.

We're going to have so much fun shopping, tanning, hitting the waves, and checking out the lifeguards! I can't wait to see her but I'm going to have to wait twenty hours... I slapped a hand to my forehead when I calculate the time. This ride is going to be torture.

When we were all settled in the car and driving, I was soon staring out the window, I saw the trees along the highway going by so fast, they were just a blur. Dark memories started surfacing as my mind relaxed. I push them down.

Not now, I think.

A tear rolled down my cheek as blurry pictures emerge. I truly miss him. I want him back so much. I wipe it all off, hoping my parents don't notice my memory surge. I don't want to feel the awkwardness again.

Mom would get emotional and my little brother would ask too many questions that all three of us don't want to answer. As for dad, I know he wakes up and cries at night sometimes. I know because I do, too. It's our first vacation since the accident and I don't want to ruin that. I try to think of anything; school, my friends, everything, anything but him.

When we finally arrived at the beach, I leaped out of our car, eager to find Alexandra but mostly to escape the awkward scene inside the vehicle. My family is dysfunctional and I like it that way, I truly do! But I couldn't wait any longer.

As I stepped outside, I filled my lungs with hot, humid air. I have missed this place. Sweet Myrtle Beach, you haven't changed a bit since last time.

When we had finished unpacking and all our belongings were in the cabin, I rushed outside. As I was walking along, I spotted another Ontario license plate.

This could only mean one thing... Alex is here!

I ran to the condo on the left and knocked, prepared to throw my arms around my friend. You must understand my shock when a complete stranger answered the door.

"May I help you?" she asked with a quite familiar Canadian accent.

Bummer. I guess her family was the owner of that Ontario license plate. She looked about my age; maybe a little older. She has amazingly long dark brown hair, wavy at the bottom.

"Sorry, I thought my friend was here. I must have the wrong cabin." I blushed and awkwardly twist my hands.

"No problem." She laughed sweetly.

"I'm Kate."

"I'm Serena." I smiled, slightly impressed with myself. I've been here less than an hour and I've already connected with my neighbor! We got into a conversation and the entire time, I thought of how lucky I was I didn't knock on anybody else's door. They probably wouldn't be as easy to talk to as her.

"Hey, if you have nothing planned tomorrow evening, you can drop by at our pool party. Everybody will be there!" Kate said, suddenly switching the subject.

"I'm pretty sure I can make it. Can I bring a friend? Don't worry, she doesn't bite," I added, grinning.

"Oh yeah, bring whoever you want! I don't mind if she's as nice as you. Everyone's invited."

"Thanks!" I chirped, "Speaking of my friend, I should go check to see if she's here yet. I guess I'll be seeing you around!" I winked at her. But I quickly realized that I can't wink. I hope she didn't notice my failed attempt at being funny. Turns out, she didn't. Or she was just too nice to mention anything.

"Okay, see ya!"

I go back to the condo, when I see Alex knocking on my door. I momentarily forget all my pride as I rush up to her and pull her into a tight hug from behind. She turns around at the last second.

"Alex! Alex, you're here!" I yell.

"Serena!" She returns the embrace, crushing my ribs.

"Alex, I'm so glad you're here! But please let me go. I can barely breathe." I gasp.

"Oops, sorry!" she giggles. "So how was your ride? Did you have fun with your brothers?" Realizing what she said, her eyes widen and she pulls me into another hug. "Oh, I didn't mean it that way, Serena. I'm so sorry."

"D-Don't worry, Alex. You don't have to be sorry; it was just a mistake." I discreetly blink away the tears that are starting to form in the corner of my sea-blue eyes. I try and lighten my voice. "Well, I didn't have much fun with my brother Nathan since he decided to lose himself in his movie marathon. Anyway, why don't you pull on your swimsuit? We can go read and tan by the pool deck." By this time, Alex had let go of me and headed toward her condo, promising she'd be back in a few minutes.

Sadness grew in me as she walked away. I seriously need to stop thinking about him. He was never coming back.

When I was dressed in my flashy new bikini, my Ray Ban shades and sunscreen, I heard a knock at the door. Since my parents were out getting groceries, I was the one to answer. It was Alex, as expected.

We go outside and lay down on the lounge chairs. Our original plan was to read and tan but since we were both sixteen and there was nobody stopping us, we couldn't help ourselves from talking.

"So, when are we starting the Competition?" Alex asks, trying to be casual.

Ah, the Competition. One of the things I look forward to each year. Both Alex and I have to have an 'interesting prospect' take us out on a date and take a picture with him.

"I'm winning this one, Alex."

"Whatever you say." She rolls her eyes playfully. "But this year, we're adding one rule: no lifeguards allowed. Last year was too easy for you. You only have to smile and bat your lashes and all the guys fell on their knees."

"Yeah, right." I scoff. "Guys don't do that with this." I gesture at my body. "They just think I'm awkward. Plus, I saw this year's lifeguards are really hot. If you really want to, I can leave you the lifeguards. I won't choose any of them."

After a moment's hesitation, she nods slowly. "Okay, that sounds fair."

"Good. Oh, by the way, do you have anything planned for tomorrow evening? There's a pool party and we were invited by my next door neighbor."

"A pool party?" she repeats, her eyes wide. "Yes! More hot guys!" she pumps a fist in the air and I laugh.

"Wait. What will we wear? We should go to the mall tomorrow and see if they have cute dresses."

"Sure. But let's get something straight, the Abercrombie models do not count." I give emphasis on the 'not'.


My Sweet Summer RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now