Chapter 9

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Today is one of the days I really love. It's shopping day! Not like the other time to buy the dresses, that was some emergency shopping. Today's the real deal, darling. After a day as confusing as yesterday, I really need this. Alex decided to bring Max too, since they have become inseparable. Luckily, there are outlets really close from our condos so, after buying milkshakes from Steak 'n Shake's, we happily go there.

"Alex! Look, the Disney store! Let's go there, it looks so nice! Please, please!" I plead.

"Fine," says Alex, rolling her eyes, "but no more than twenty minutes. You better do it fast." She didn't have to tell me twice, I ran to the door. Ten minutes later, I come out with a huge Pooh bear in a big bag.

"I really made it quick! Okay, let's go to the next store now!" We go on for two hours like that and Max is quickly exhausted.

"Come on, girls! Can we at least go to one place I choose? It seems like an eternity, waiting after you in places with loud pop music and too much perfume!" We finally agree to a place we all like, Under Armor. Actually, it was really ironic that I was the only one to try things on. While I was trying on a bright pink sports bra, I overheard their conversation.

"He said she made him feel miserable by not showing up, that he felt stupid. Do you know why she didn't show up?" Real discreet, Max, but I can hear you whispering loudly!

"Well, she looked sad while talking about it but she told me she didn't go because she didn't want to be 'one of those girls', you know? I think what she meant is that she thinks she's a player and that she didn't want her heart broken. She said he didn't need her and he looked like trouble. She sure had a lot to say!" Why is she talking about me to Max? The way they spoke, it almost seemed like he knew Nick.

"It looks like we have a big misunderstanding here! We have to do something because, I have to admit, they fit really well together!" Oh no. They are planning something. Why are they doing this? What about his sexy lifeguard? This is nonsense. I already had tried everything on so I thought this would have been a nice time to get out of the dressing room.

"I'm done, let's go!" I announce loudly.

"Which ones fit?" asked the cashier. Honestly, I don't really remember because I was doing more eavesdropping than paying attention to the clothes so I take a lucky guess on the booty shorts and the sports bra. After paying, I put it in my Disney bag and, as I walk out the store, I see a group of boys our age that seemed to recognize Max because when they saw him, they all said stuff like:

"Hey, dude!"

"What up?"

"What's happening, bro?"

And they all did some weird and stupid universal handshake that only guys understand, and there was Alex and I who were confused, not knowing what to do or say. We decided to stay apart a little but still listen to their conversation anyway.

"Where's Nick? Why is he not with you? Oh, let me guess. Bad hangover, am I right?" Max asked.

"You're right!" Fred answered. "We decided to not bother him with what's going on, you know. We all know what it's like to drink too much and then have to wake up after! We just decided to come here to buy some extra soccer equipment. What are you doing here?"

"I'm shopping with my girlfriend and her best friend. Well, they are shopping and I find it boring as hell."

"Wait. Her best friend? Isn't that Nick's girl?"

"Um, yeah. But we should get going, and I think the girls are eavesdropping."

"That's not true!" Alex yelled.

"Yeah, that's what I was saying," said Max. "Bye!" They did their weird handshake again and walked away. I start thinking about what happened and I just can't figure it out. Oh, well.

"Let's go to the movies! The Avengers sound fun, right?" asked Max.

"Anything, babes! The Avengers it is!" Alex said. Usually, she doesn't make as much compromises than that but it's his turn to chose the movie. In the movies, I sit next to Max, who is between us. I really start appreciating Max, in a friendly way. Halfway through the movie, he starts talking to me.

"You should give him a chance. After all, you didn't even go to the pier. He was looking for you!"

"You know what? I went. I saw him getting 'friendly' with the sexy lifeguard. What did you expect me to do? Go there and join the fun? She was flirting with him as if his life depended on it and he didn't seem to mind. Tell him that, will you?"

"Hey, sorry but I don't want to be the messenger. If you want him to know something, tell him. Don't play childish games, for god's sake!"

He has a point, but I don't want to talk to him. It would be way too awkward.

"You're right. He won't know I went at the pier, end of discussion. You're a good friend, but this is between both of us. Now, let's listen to the movie."

"The movie was awesome! The only thing I didn't like was the talking in the middle of it. When we go to a movie, we shut up."

"Okay, I'm sorry. The problem is solved." I said.

We start walking towards the exit in silence, heading to the food court. We pick a table and agree that I will stay at our seats while they go get something to eat. I wait for them for a pretty long time. Since I can't see them anymore, I start to get really bored. When they finally get back, I start to walk away. I overhear a conversation while I walk away.

"Okay, now, listen up. I have a plan but you absolutely can't tell Serena. Here goes-" But when I am about to hear the so-called 'plan' I can't know about, I am interrupted by a beeping sound. I look down at my cell phone, my heart drops.

A text from Nick.

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