Chapter 4

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We go to bed, exhausted after a very long day, not knowing all the surprises the next day would bring.


"OW! Serena, you know I have sensitive hair! Please calm down, I want to keep my hair until tonight!"

Alex didn't seem too stressed out, compared to me.

"S-Sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. Do you think he'll come? Do I look okay? I don't know if he'll notice me, maybe he'll ignore me? What if he has a girlfriend? Or what if-"

Alex interrupted me: "Don't worry, Serena! Every single thing will turn out fine. I saw the way he looked at you yesterday, and let me tell you, he wants you. As long as you stay yourself and you don't play games, there's no way in hell that he won't like you. Now, stop worrying and get back to my braid, I want to look perfect for Max tonight so please work your magic!"

She's looking at me with those lost puppy eyes, it's hard to tell her no.

I roll my eyes: "Fine, but don't you worry, you'll look fantastic. You know I'm not one to play games, and you don't know how he looked at me, he had his shades on." I scoff.

"I know, but I have a feeling, Serena. I can't explain it!" Alex is kind of hard to follow, sometimes. I guess I'll have to trust that feeling, after all!

"Hey, do you have a plan if the hottie shows up? I already know Max will be there, he's completely under your spell, but if my hottie shows up, what do I do? Should I wait for him to walk up and make the move or should I make the move? If I make the move, he'll think I am a control freak or a psycho chick, which I am not, right Alex?"

"Is that a trick question?" She turns around to see my reaction.

"Of course, darling! So, am I a psycho chick-control freak?" We both laugh for a moment then stop at the same time.

"Only on the days that end in -Y!" She starts laughing. Was that a joke? "I'm just kidding, Serena! You are perfectly fine, you have my word."

"So, I could do this, or I could wait for him to make the first move, but that's not a good idea, right? Maybe he'll think I'm a weak girl, an innocent and naive girl. Nobody wants a weak, naive and innocent girl, right?"

"Nobody wants a weakling, I get it. Why the fuss about it? It's not your type to question everything like that. Usually, you're an impulsive kind of girl. Why don't you just go with the flow tonight and see where it takes you? You never know what might happen. Maybe he'll come right at you right away and start a conversation or even ask you to dance. By the way, I see you. Stop biting your nails, it's not attractive at all." I roll my eyes. I hate it when she's right, I look like a retarded squirrel when I bite my nails.

I put my hand down and we switch spots- my turn now to get my hair done.

"I've been thinking, I really hope he won't ask me to dance. I am the worst dancer in dance history. Last time I danced at a party, people thought I was having a seizure and almost called 911. You have to teach me how to dance, and maybe how to wink. Every time I wink, things get awkward. If he winks at me or asks me to dance, what do I do?"

"If he winks at you, it's a good sign and you should smile and look at him in the eyes. If he asks you to dance, it depends. If it's pop or techno music, you shouldn't accept. Make up an excuse, for example that your heels are making your feet hurt. If it's a slow dance, you may ask him to show you, but don't step on his foot because it'll hurt a lot for both of you: his foot and your pride. I'm so lucky I've had dance lessons when I was young!" I wish my parents would've given me that chance, but they wanted me to get violin lessons instead.

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