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Rebekah was with Hope in a rocking chair in the nursery while she told Hope a fairy tale about their lives.

Once upon a time, there was a majestic Queen who lived with her noble brother in a kingdom where music and art were celebrated. The Queen did not foresee having a child, but she lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible. In time, she was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter, for whom she wished only peace.

Hope cooed and Rebekah smiled at her lovingly.

Still, the Queen had demons who pursued her. There was a ruthless beast who wanted to take the kingdom for her own. Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, she drove the other magical creatures from the land. And, there was a wicked sorceress with enchanted stones that weakened the queen every full moon. Seeing the shadow her enemies cast upon her home, the Queen was driven to send her beloved princess away, convincing all who remained that she was forever lost.

At the MIKAELSON COMPOUND, Elijah locked the front gates to the home so it was no longer open to the public.

The queen, in her sorrow, turned away from the world. The castle closed its doors, and the kingdom fell. Some say that the only light that shines in the castle illuminates the shadow of the once majestic queen in the room meant for her child. But, as the ruthless beasts took rule over the fallen queen's realm, little did they know that she and her brother would not rest until their enemies were vanquished. For they believed that one day, they would heal their kingdom and bring their precious princess home so that she might live happily ever after.

Nikole stood at the window of Hope's nursery, looking down on the street as Elijah approached her from behind and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Rebekah laid Hope in her crib, setting Nikole's carved wooden knight next to her before turning out the lights and leaving her to sleep for the evening.


Elijah and one of Francesca's werewolf lackeys were taking a tour of the abandoned foundry.

The original was walking around the building, "Authentic cast-iron columns... Look at that, the original Bloomry forge, fueled by a charcoal furnace."

Elijah noticed a fire sprinkler system up in the ceiling, "The modern elements blend quite nicely indeed. My foundation has aligned itself with the city's Historical Preservation Society. We have a vested interest in seeing this building protected."

Guerrera's lackey huffed, "This place is a dump! The Guerrera family would be doing this city a favor."

Elijah was about to speak when he noticed the man wearing a gold ring with a square black stone on his left hand.

Elijah looked at him blankly, "Well, unfortunately, under the Preservation Act of 1966, we cannot allow the Guerreras to demolish one of the city's original foundries... even if it is for something as noble and distinguished as a casino." Elijah gestured toward the door in a polite indication that they should leave. Smiling fakely he glanced at the wolf, "So, thank you, gentleman. Do give my best to Francesca."


Nikole was listening to Mozart's Requiem in D Minor K 626-3 on a record player while she furiously tried to stretch a canvas over a wooden frame for a painting.

She teared through the canvas and angrily threw it all across the room, just as Elijah returned from his meeting. Nikole, overwhelmed with frustration, yelled at the top of her lungs.

Elijah sighed and bent down to pick up the canvas and examined it, "I suppose we shall have to call this your "white period." "

Nikole scowled angrily, "I'm missing a crucial color in my palette-- that of my enemies' blood."

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