Save My Soul

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Freya picked up a fancy card with the Mikaelson "M" embossed on the front from the table in the bell tower of St. Louis Cathedral.

Inside the card, in perfect calligraphy, a note read: "Join us for a family brunch. 11 A.M. Your sister, Nikole."

She re-read the card in disbelief before an excited smile broke out on her face.


Elijah had just arrived to the compound, where he had joined Nikole, who was already waiting for him in the dining room in anticipation for their family brunch.

She looked at her brother and smiled widely, "There you are. Finally."

Elijah striped off his coat and hung it up before heading toward the table. He stared at his sister and spoke up, casually, "I was delayed."

Her lips twitched in amusement, "Our guest of honor will be here momentarily."

The Mikaelson brother hummed, bemused, "Strange, our house is conspicuously absent of our lupine guests. I do hope it wasn't on my account."

She laughed loudly, "I sent Hayley and her poorly groomed husband off to spend the day with their werewolf brethren to test the limits of their new abilities. Leaving me to deal with family business as I see fit."

Elijah frowned at her suspiciously, "Nikolia, Rebekah's situation has taken a turn. We may need Freya's assistance. So, whatever you are planning here? Don't."

The hybrid merely rolled her eyes and waved him off, "All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long-lost relative. You yourself said to hear her out."

He retorted swiftly, unimpressed with her lies, "And you yourself said that would be idiocy."

She nodded in amusement, "Did I? She furrowed her brows, feigning as though she was straining to remember, "Well, it does sound like me. Regardless, on the off-chance Freya has some information that could protect my daughter, I'd prefer she share it on my terms." She pointed toward her ear and smiled giddily, "Ah! I think I hear her now!"

She turned to the door just as Freya walked into the dining room, smiling at her siblings. Smiling, stretched her arms to the sides, "Sister! Well, come in! Come in! Make yourself comfortable."

Freya, even though feeling slightly nervous, managed to smile warmly at them.


The Mikaelson siblings were making small talk in the dining room of the compound.

Freya held a small round artifact in her hands. She examined it carefully and hummed, "This witch-hoop, it's Danish. Is this from when you all lived in Copenhagen in the 1500s?"

The hybrid exclaimed, slightly impressed, "Quite the eye!"

Elijah sighed impatiently, "Forgive me-- are we here to discuss family heirlooms, or do we have more pressing concerns?"

Nikole smirked and made a dismissive gesture, "Please excuse my brother's lack of decorum. He's been in a foul mood of late. But, he is right. I did ask you here in the hopes that you would share some of Dahlia's secrets. So, without further ado, let's get to it!"

The three of them walked towards the table and took their seats. The table was filled with a variety of breakfast food.

Freya cleared her throat awkwardly before she began to speak, "The first thing you should know is that Dahlia is the most powerful witch I've ever seen. She craves more power still. Right now she is like me-- limited to one year of life in a century. But, she wants to be free of that restriction. To gain true immortality. And that is why she will come here-- drawn by your daughter to take the child's power for herself. And she would kill anyone who would defy her."

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