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"Izuku "

Called Mother's voice from outside. Hearing that he quickly put the crown in a vase before running to the window. "Let down your hair" Mother called." One moment mother" he says hooking his hair before letting it down. "I have a surprise" she yelles " i have one to" he says pulling her up. "I bet my surprise is bigger " she replied " i seriously doubt that" he whispers finally making it to the window she sits down. "I bought parsnip I'm making hazelnut soup for dinner your favorite surprise" she says standing with arms extended. "Well mother there is something I want to tell you-" he says getting cut off " Oh izuku you know I hate leaving you after a fight especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong" she says walking to a couter." Okay I've been thinking a lot about what you said earlier-" he was cut off. "I hope your not still talking about the stars " she says taking things out of her basket "floating lights and yes I'm meeting up to that " he says walking closer to his closest. "Because I really thought we dropped the issue sweetheart" "no mother I'm just saying you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there" "Oh Darling I know your not strong enough to handle yourself out ther" she turns to him. "But if you just " "Izuku were done talking about this" "trust me " "Izuku" "Oh come on" " enough of the lights Izuku you are not leaving this tower ever" she yells making him flinch and talked his hand off the chair in front of the closet door." Oh great now I'm the bad guy" she flops in a chair put he hand over her forehead . Izuku at there thinking looked at the painting then the closet door before taking a breath." All I was going to say mother is that I know what I want for my birthday day now" he says moving in front of the chair. " and what is that?" She ask "new paint made from the white shells you once brought me" " Well that's a very long trip Izuku almost the preexisting days time" " i just thought I it was a better idea that the stars" "Oh you sure you'll be alright in your own" she gets up and walks to him." I know I'm safe as long as I'm here " he says hugging her as she kissed his head.

Le time skip

Izuku packed food into the basket that mother had. After finishing packing he hands the basket to her. "I'll be back in three times I love you very much deat" "i love you more" "i love you most" Izuku watched as his mother waved to him as she walked through the clearing. Seeing that she was gone he ran inside quickly.

Sup guys my hand hurts I had to to this under an hour so hope u enjoy also I'm making an update to the update schedule

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