Second Time's the Charm

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Dylan had some history with people questioning his sexuality, in 4th grade, when I entered my school I was met with a very homosocial relationship between him and his then best friend Shane, a guy who everyone seemed to love and I sorta did too, he was super smart, nice and kinda liked me. Keep in min I was a fucking idiot when I was in 4th grade, compulsively lying and being overall a weirdo nerd (I know that phrasing is so 2004 but it was true for my case, either way I'm a proud nerd hell yeah) didn't help my social status. Everyone hated me and I really can't blame them, but anyways; he and Shane were often seen kissing and hugging and all sorts of homosexual behaviour, and in 5th grade, after he switched classes he did the same thing with his new best friend, Austen.

I guess the rumours were true, he was gay, or bi at the very least.

I decided to keep on going with him. I liked the male attention I got even if it was in exchange of money, which I think he used as a means to justify the fact that he was having sex with another man. Second time around I took more money from my parents' cabinet, I took $80 when I got home like a week later, the rush I got every time was insane, so many feelings of happiness, sadness, fear, anxiety. Looking back I gave him like more than $1000, no wonder he got a new iPhone after everything.

That day I was talking to my then best friend, Mary, a girl with gorgeous curly hair that had serious beef with another girl, not to the point of like yanking the hair of their heads but the point of exchanging passive aggressive and aggressive comments in the restaurant queue. We were talking about god knows who when I feel him push my chair so slightly.

I felt my heart sink, I was at it again, I was gonna get my dick sucked by a really attractive and popular straight guy. I say popular in the sense that he was friends with people in like 9th grade, which is a big deal in a school like mine.

We do the same thing as before, check if we have blackheads, wash our hands, etc; while we waited for the bathroom to be empty. Once it was I entered the stall he was at making sure I got on the toilet so no one could see my feet. He then pulled down my pants and saw I had pre-cum, he went off to make a very snarky comment I despise to this day 

- "Jeez dude, you cum so quick"

I was...what's the word? Oh yeah, flabbergasted at the fact that he told me I came quick, has he never had precum? It's normal to be a bit runny before experiencing sexual pleasure, has he never kissed anybody? Kissing anyone makes you run a bit, specially being a pre-teen.

I didn't say much and just grabbed his head and made him suck me off. He was kinda good at it I'm not gonna lie, not the best but he had potential to be amongst the best.

After it was my turn he asked me to close my eyes again, he really didn't wanna have me see his dick for some reason, I was trying to figure out why.

After a good 10 minutes, he was like ok stop, we gotta get back. I asked him if he wanted to cum and he said he was ok, I asked if I could cum in his mouth and he said no, but he said I could in his chest and so I did.

After absolutely busting a fat nut on his lightly toned abdomen and chest I licked it like a man that hasn't seen the light of day in 2 years would lick a plate of the sauciest authentic pasta made by a nonna from Sicily, we went back to the main dining hall, where my teacher, Hans, was waiting for me with a mad look on his face

- "Mr. Mitchell, where were you?"

-I was shocked, I didn't know all that time had passed. I spent 25 minutes giving head to him, it felt like 10 minutes had passed. I had to lie and say that I was shitting in the bathroom, which 1 is embarrassing for anyone, but also since I had explosive diarrhoea in 5th grade and shitted myself outside a science museum for a school trip I have had a trauma with bowel movement related things.

- "Well, finish eating and go to class, I hope you washed your hands"

Ew ew ew ew ew ew, I was so fucking disgusted, I ate that fuck ass dry rice and went to class, never again will I admit to something like that ever again.

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