A Punch To The Face, And A Kick In The Teeth

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The next day, Draco still seemed upset by Harry’s comment. He kept shooting him dirty looks, but it was nothing new. Harry brushed it off as he tried to focus on Snape’s words, but it was difficult because Snape kept asking him questions about things he hadn’t yet explained. Harry, Ron, and Hermione hated him with a passion, though Hermione was less open about it than everyone else. Snape always despised the Gryffindors so. After the class, Harry headed out with Ron, who wasn’t fuming this time around but looked agitated.


“God, I really hate tha-”


“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Weasel and Potter?” Harry swung his arm out to catch Ron, who had made a move toward Malfoy hearing his voice.


“What did you say, Malfoy”, Ron jeered angrily. Malfoy smirked at this.


“Oh, Weasley, did your parents buy you that dignity of yours? How cute.”

Harry continued to hold his friend back, eyeing Malfoy with distaste.


“Did your father buy you that attitude, Malfoy, because if so...he should get a refund”, Harry retorted. Malfoy growled and turned toward him.


“Oh? Is that so?”


“What’s wrong Malfoy? Lacking the right words”, Harry added, smirking slightly at the expression on his face. Draco’s pale eyes slowly narrowed disapprovingly and he looked to Crabbe & Goyle.




“No, Malfoy. This isn’t between me and them. This is between me and you.”


Malfoy looked stunned for a moment and fell silent mid sentence.




“What’s the matter, Malfoy, too scared to fight your own fights”, Harry pressed on and Malfoy frowned.


“Most certainly not, Potter. But you seem to-”


“Seem to what? Be afraid of picking a fight with big bad Voldemort?” Malfoy opened his mouth to speak.


“He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named”, Ron hissed in Harry’s ear. He didn’t say a word. He kept his eyes on Malfoy.


“Well, Malfoy?” Malfoy casted a wary glance at Crabbe and Goyle. Harry stepped closer slightly.

“Well”, he spoke slowly, daring Malfoy to do something. And do something he did. Malfoy stepped forward quickly, his fist slamming in between Harry’s eyes. It was rather uncharacteristic of him and Harry found himself staggering back, nose bleeding.


Once again, Malfoy turned tail and evacuated, shaking his hand out.


“Harry! Oh, that little..” Ron swore and Harry followed suit, mumbling about his glasses.


“Your glasses are fine, but he hit you! Wait til Hermione hears about this!”


“No. No, don’t tell her. You know what she said about the whole fighting thing...”


“Oh, you should have hit him back!”

“No, no it’s not important. I egged it on.” Harry took one last look at Draco’s retreating back and mumbled words under his breath. He would have liked to have said he was the bigger man, but he was just as bad.

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