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Harry’s mind should have been on the fact that it was break, that it was nearly Christmas, yet he couldn’t stop thinking about what Draco had said.


‘It’s that...that strange clicking noise it coming from below us?’


How was that possible? He found himself wandering back to that area, listening keenly as if he’d be able to hear something, anything. He was scolded at least twice by a passing Professor Snape. Draco hadn’t yet accepted Harry’s invitation to join Hermione, Ron, and him in the loneliness of the castle, but Harry didn’t mind. At least that’s what he tried to tell himself. Part of him was mildly disappointed. He truly thought Draco would put differences aside and actually join them, considering that Draco had wanted to be his friend since day one.


Harry smiled softly at that thought. It hadn’t dawned him until that very moment that Draco’s behaviour toward him resembled that of small children and their crushes that he’d witnessed on TV, watching quietly from the doorways without the Dursleys noticing.


“Harry”, Hermione called out, causing Harry to snap back to reality. He jerked his head toward her.




Hermione didn’t reply, instead she merely pointed pass him. He whirled around to face in that direction, surprised to see a blond boy in the distance. His heart skipped a beat.


“Is that Malfoy”, Ron asked, squinting to see better. Harry didn’t answer. Draco appeared to be looking around for something, for them most likely, and Harry stepped forward.


“Wait here”, he breathed. Harry ran toward Draco, leaving Hermione and Ron both gaping behind him, thunderstruck.  




“Potter! I-I wasn’t...” Draco stammered for a moment before falling silent. Harry stared at his face and Draco eyed him warily.


“We’re over there”, Harry muttered, indicating to where Hermione and Ron still stood, eyes bulging out of their faces in horror mixed with shock.


“I wasn’t look for you, Potter”, Draco snapped and one look at his face told Harry he was trying poorly to deny it.


“Look, Malfoy, I don’t care what you were looking for. Just come hang out with us. Ron and Hermione are okay with it, I think. Just don’t pull any of that blood prejudice stuff, kay?”


The gears in Draco’s head seemed to be trying to process what Harry had just said because he was looking at him with a stupid expression. Harry thought for a moment that maybe Draco really wasn’t looking for him, but if so, then what? Harry remained silent, merely watching the other’s face. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Draco spoke.


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