Words That Should Have Been Left Unsaid

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"Guys! Hey, Ron, Hermione, look who I found." Harry dragged a reluctant Draco toward his friends. Ron still looked horrified and Hermione tried to smile.


"Oh...Draco...hello", she greeted softly, refusing to look at him and merely staring at the ground.


"Yes, hello m-" Harry shot Draco a look that caused him to shut his trap. Hermione quickly tilted her head up and then looked to Ron.


"Well, isn't this a surprise, Malfoy", Ron said darkly. Draco eyed Harry with a look of uncertainty. but said nothing.


"You just come to us when there's no one else to go to, do you? Well, I don't know what you told Harry, but we're not okay", Ron continued and Draco rocked nervously on his heels, biting his tongue to keep from lashing out. Harry frowned slightly and stared at him once more.


"I mean, it's bad enough that we have to see you during the school days", Ron was going on to say. Harry kept his eyes on Draco's face. His fists were clenched dangerously.


"But, now, because your own dad doesn't want to see you during break, we have to see you here too?" Ron went too far. Draco's resistance snapped in half like a twig being stepped on.


"Oh, shove it Weasel! And I suspect you're only here because Potter is? Or, maybe, your family doesn't want you home either! Seeing as how they hardly have enough money to feed all of you ungrateful pigs!" Ron made a move to gra Draco, but it was too late. Draco said the words that were like salt in an open wound. Harry had been fed generously the last time he'd been there, but it wasn't about the food. Draco commented on Ron's lack of wealth. He turned and bolted, angrily, leaving a confused Harry, a fuming Ron, and a startled Hermione behind.


"Can you BELIEVE that guy", Ron snapped after a stunned moment's silence. Harry gave Ron a neutral look and sighed.


"You started it."


"Y-You're defending him?! After everything, you're siding with Malfoy?!" Harry didn't reply. He didn't think it was possible for Ron's hair to be redder than his hair, but it was. Ron was a volcano waiting to erupt and Harry was treading on thin ice. He needed to choose his next words wisely.


"Ron...I'm sure Harry has his reasons", Hermione pipped up, looking toward Harry.


"Right, Harry", she asked. He nodded in reply.


"Look, Ron, think about it in his point of view. Who is he raised by?"


"Lucius? Why are you asking? You already know", Ron hissed through clenched teeth and Harry fell silent for a moment. 'Treading on thin ice', he thought quietly.


"And is Lucius the best dad in the world?"


"No, but-"


"So, if you were raised only knowing that, how would you act", Harry questioned.


"Like a complete and utter-"


"Exactly", Harry said shortly. "A jerk."


Ron swallowed his own tongue and stared at Harry with a look of disbelief.




"There are no buts, Ron."


Hermione, who had been watching all of this like it was a Quidditch match, cleared her throat.


"Ron, maybe Harry has a point. It's not everyday that someone is as nice to Draco as Harry was...and-and Draco's only real friends are more slaves than anything..." Ron opened and closed his mouth a few times, resembling a fish.


"I-I mean...everyone's afraid of the Malfoys", she added. Ron grunted and whirled around, storming off in the direction of the Gryffindor common room.

"I hope you realise whatever it is you're doing could cost you your friends in the process", Hermione said to Harry, averting her gaze as she too walked passed and disappeared around a corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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