You Have No Idea What I'm Capable Of

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A/N: New update in less than a week? That's because you all got this book to 5K+ reads here on wattpad! You have no idea how thankful I am for each and everyone of you. The support I've received on this book alone has blown me away. I hope you like this book and I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think of it!

After sitting curled up on the floor of his bathroom for a few hours, Louis was pulled out of his thoughts when his stomach begged for food. The loud rumbling noise was what broke the deafening silence. The boy rubbed at his face. His tears had dried down long ago, just leaving his eyes red and puffy as a memory. He shakily got to his feet before taking one last look at his sullen face in the mirror. His reflection would be one that haunted him. The once confident wolf looked like his 10 year old self again. Sad, empty eyes, feeling alone in this world. The feeling that everything had changed made him feel sick. He truly needed to pull it together.

Louis turned the tap on, splashing the cool water onto his face, hoping to wash away the traces of tears. The omega had decided that he couldn't let Edward win. He would be strong, he would be brave, he would make his parents proud while keeping his head held high. No matter what, he wouldn't be weak. He had no choice but to do what he had to do to survive. If that meant being mated to these savage wolves, he would do it. But he wouldn't bow down to their feet anymore. He knew who they really were.

As he walked back into his bedroom, he knew what he needed to do. The omega tore his clothing off before finding something that didn't reek of the triplets. The outfit he ended up putting on was a normal pair of pants and an old oversized sweater that once used to be his father's. Over the years the pack beta had worn it, the neckline had stretched. That's exactly what Louis was hoping for. The sweater was stretched enough that his bonding bite was on full display. There would be no doubt that he had an Alpha. He knew Edward wouldn't be expecting this and the omega knew he was about to wind him up. The omega had a plan.

A smirk was plastered on the boy's face as he hurriedly pulled his boots on at the bottom of the stairs before opening the cabin door. The cold winter air slapped the boy in the face, but he had other things on his mind beside the chill that surrounded him. He walked with his head held high towards the mess hall. Snow kicked up under his feet as he walked with determination, he was going to be brave, he was going to take his life back into his own hands. He was going to take his control back from Edward.

A pleasant smile rose to his face, fake happiness oozing from the omega. It looked real on the outside and that was good enough for the boy. Louis waved a polite hello to a few wolves he knew. The omega acted like he couldn't hear the whispers from a few tables he had walked by, quiet mutterings of "Tomlinson has a mate?" "Who's his Alpha?" and more. This was really going to piss Edward off and the boy couldn't wait. He noticed Anne was sitting at one of the tables towards the back, sitting with Geoff. He knew on his walk over that he had three pairs of eyes on him. He knew they would follow behind him, and the boy was right. He could see out of the corner of his eye, by the entrance to the kitchen, the three pack Alphas talking amongst themselves. Their boots were still covered in snow meaning they had just followed him inside.

Louis quirked an eyebrow at that. It wasn't too common for them to come around for meals, especially together. The omega was sure it was so they could keep an eye on Louis, and that was his whole plan. His suspicions were correct when the three alphas turned to stare the omega down. Louis sent them a bright smile before walking up to Anne's table. He sat down across from the brown haired beta. From this angle Anne could see the mark, no doubt about that and that's exactly what Louis wanted. He could still see the Alphas off to the side and that made him happier.

"Hope you don't mind me joining you, Anne" Louis was polite and full of charm, before he turned to greet Geoff. In reality Louis was anxious. He had never sat with this wolf, but at this moment he had other issues to handle. "Not at all dear, how are you doing?" The beta's eyes glanced between the omega's blue eyes and the bonding bite. The Luna could see that the bite was fresh, but the lack of two other marks left her a bit confused. "That didn't take you and Harry long," the beta said quietly, she shouldn't try prying, but this was a wolf she had practically raised. She felt a motherly instinct for the boy. She could tell they hadn't fully mated and that continued to baffle the woman. "Oh Harold isn't my Alpha" the boy said sweetly, "Edward and I just couldn't wait to have some sort of connection. He mentioned wanting to woo me and everything, but we decided on a partial bond for now. You know, so he could officially be my Alpha, and I'd be his omega" he gushed.

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