We're Only Doing What We Were Destined For

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As soon as Louis' brain returned from the fuzzy warmth of omega space, the anger rose. "You've got to be fucking kidding me" he huffed to himself. He didn't recognize where he was, or why Edward's leather jacket was around him. All he could think was he was a weak omega for slipping again. He knew he needed to get a better handle on it. So far it had only happened when he was with the Alpha's, but he knew that this could put him in a dangerous situation one day.

As his eyes focused on the darkness around him, he realized they were in another seemingly abandoned warehouse. When he looked to the top of the left wall, the omega could see the broken windows letting in a cool breeze. The moonlight pushed through, but still barely, illuminating the large warehouse.

He was alone. It was dark, cold, and he was fresh out of omega space. His heart ached. He had no idea where his Alphas were, if they had abandoned him or not. As he thought about being abandoned again, his anger worsened. He wasn't a wolf you could just get rid of.

He threw Edward's leather jacket onto the floor in the heat of the moment, pushing himself onto his feet. The omega had to hold onto the wall for a moment to regain feeling in his legs, but before long he was wandering around the building. He couldn't hear or see anything that would point him in the direction of his mates, but he still kept pushing on doors down the one hallway. At the end was what looked like an exit, lining the hallway walls were about 6 doors on each side.

The second last door was the one to give into the omega twisting the knob. Zayn, Liam and their omegas were nowhere to be seen, but the triplets stood hovering over a wolf. This one was an Alpha, but without paying attention for long, Louis knew the wolf was no longer alive. Edward's sleeves were rolled up, blood staining the bottom of his shirt as he wiped a bloodied knife along the fabric. Marcel was clean besides his hands. They were covered in the deep burgundy colour.

Harry looked how he looked the last time Louis had seen him. This time he didn't have the post-orgasm glow. No, this look was darker. His smirk was wide, plastered to his face. His curls were unruly, adding to the man's attractiveness. The middle triplet turned when Louis had stepped into the room, his smirk dropping as he stared at the omega. "Out, Louis" is all the man said. "You can't baby him forever, he knows what we do," Marcel pointed out as he wiped his hands on his shirt.

"What'd he do?" Maybe it was the triplets, the bond, being soulmates, he had no idea, but he should have thrown up at the sight of the unrecognizable Alpha on the ground. He should be scared. But he wasn't. He didn't feel the bile rising up his throat. He was more curious than anything. "Didn't come through on his side of the deal" is all Edward said, "what? Do you want a more interesting answer? Do you think this was unreasonable, Snow?".

Louis rolled his eyes at the Alpha with the hunting knife, "you left me alone, in omega space, after knotting me, to kill some random wolf who didn't follow through with their side of the deal? That's pathetic" he mumbled the last part. Their anger was obviously feeding off the others, Louis knew that deep down, but it didn't stop either wolf from stopping their words. "What's pathetic is my omega not knowing how to control themselves from slipping" the Alpha said lowly. That truly was a low blow, and even Marcel and Harry realized it.

The younger Styles siblings turned their heads to look between the eldest Alpha and their omega. "Ed, really? Even I'm not that mean to hit so low" Marcel said quietly, "he can't help it, that's the omega in him". The pack doctor tried to help by saying something. "And that's why he'll always be lesser than us. That's why he's a risk to us all. To the Pack, to the Business, and to us as his mates".

Edward tucked the knife into his pocket before heading out the door without another look back at the other wolves. Marcel rushed to follow the eldest out of the room, knowing the man would be their biggest risk if he didn't calm down. That left Louis and Harry alone in the room, the body of the Alpha on the ground long forgotten about for the moment.

"Shit, love, I'm so sorry" is the first thing Harry said. The lone triplet pulled the smaller wolf into his arms. "Don't be sorry, he's right" the omega said with a sigh. He nuzzled his face into the Alpha's throat. The strong earthy scent was calming to the boy at this moment.

They stood there silently for a few moments as thoughts rushed through Louis' head. Most of them agitated the omega more, but one singular thought continued to grace his mind. He pulled away from Harry slightly to look up at the man's face. "Would you do something for me? Even if it sounds dumb?" Louis was hesitant about asking for the Alpha's help, but Harry was his chance. "I'd do anything for you, name it. I'd kill, torture, maim anyone for you, all you have to do is ask, love".

"I don't need you to do any of that... but... could you help me learn to control the omega side of me? I don't want to accidentally slip again. I want to be able to control it and I need your help to do just that" the omega explained, "I need to prove to not only you and your brothers, but to myself, that I can do this. I really could be a risk to you all. If I got stressed enough, or angry enough, or even sad enough, I could get us in a bad position".

Harry took Louis' face into his right hand, the omega leaning further into the soft touch. "Of course I'll help you, but we can't tell Edward. I don't know how he'd react to it. But I'll help you learn to control your omega".

"Shouldn't we be cleaning this up or something?' the omega asked while gesturing towards the man on the ground, not sparing him another glance. "Gigi really wants to burn this place down, she's been itching for a good burn" Harry shrugged, "she's all set up and ready to set this place ablaze, we should probably get out of here. I can already tell she's getting antsy. I can smell the small fire she started outside". Louis took a deep breath, now noticing the smell of wood burning, the smell that normally warmed him from the inside out, he knew this wasn't his normal wood-burning fire.

Harry wrapped his arm around the omega, keeping him against the Alpha's side as they walked calmly out of the room. Louis could see through the glass front door that Gigi was standing in front of the small fire staring at them. Louis could see how dark it really was outside now, how high in the sky the moon was. The flames flickered as it was the main source of lighting now.

"You can go ahead, Gigi, do a good job or else you won't get another burn" Harry warned as he pushed through the glass door, using his elbow to not leave any extra prints anywhere. "I always do good work" the omega said with her head held high. She walked into the building, leaving the eight wolves outside in the parking lot.

Louis hadn't seen the Pack Betas, their mates or the eldest Styles sibling since earlier in the day, but in a weird way it was nice seeing them. "Let's get you out of the cold, she'll be out soon enough" Harry said with warmth in his voice, leading the boy around the small fire towards the vehicle. The two of them are sitting in one of the middle bucket seats.

"You did so good with not getting sick when you saw what we did to him" the Alpha mumbled quietly as he tucked the omega into his chest again. The older man kissed Louis' temple softly. "I'm only doing what I have to do to make it out of this alive" the omega admitted as he closed his eyes, "I'm doing what I have to do for the pack, for myself, and for our future. None of us truly had a say in all of this, did we?".

Harry's lips stayed against Louis' temple as they let what Louis said hang in the air. Blanketing them with something akin to grief. "You were children, we are soulmates, Zayn and Liam are the Pack Betas, Gigi and Niall are their mates. None of us got a say in this, and we're only doing what we were destined for".

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