Blasty's not that good at acting

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             Next group was Todoroki and Mineta as the Heroes and Mina as the Civilian. After the bell sounded the "heroes" took a while in finding Mina because their quirks weren't suited for rescuing. However they found Mina after fifteen minutes because she got bored and dramatically screamed where she was. 

After they got Mina out Todoroki awkwardly carried her back to the platform where the class waited. Mineta was walking beside him looking at Mina every so often which got a few kicks from Mina.

After they all regrouped it was finally our turn. Mr. Aizawa had to erase Blasty's quirk and even had to resort to knocking him out as he wasn't cooperating on acting as the civilian. When Mr. Aizawa came back he informed me and Hakagure that Blasty was tied up and would not be moving anytime soon. I giggled at that and the countdown began. Me and Hakagure started searching the rubble listening for breathing or any other signs of life. Hakagure came up with a plan to split up to look for him. Since this wasn't a horror movie and that we'd cover more ground I agreed and I went left while she went right.  I began picking up boulders and moving them around. This exercise was basically a spot the difference if I'm gonna be honest. Suddenly I see a blond floof swaying back and forth. I raced forward and found it was Blasty. He had apparent just woken up and found out he was tied. He was currently trying to blast his bindings apart but not realizing it was futile as they were immune to quirks. I watched with amusement until I realized there was a time limit on the exercise. 

"Come on Blasty," I muttered stooping down to pick him up, "Let's go."

That's when he finally noticed me, he started thrashing even more. Using his teeth and he ripped off his mouth tie and started cursing at me. Anyone would've been disturbed by what he was saying but I found it quite endearing. I shook myself out of my day dream and yelled," Hakagure, I found him!"

I picked Blasty up bridle style and walked out of the hole. That's when I noticed how heavy he was. I seemed to forget this guy was pure muscle. He began to laugh as I struggled to take a step. I pouted and spread my wings open. For a second his attention was on my wings. The movement entrancing him, then he returned to a scowl, blush dotting his face. I gave a small smile and shot myself into the air. My wigs were much more powerful then any other muscle I had. I started looking for Hakagure, taking my attention off of Blasty. It was only later that I realized he never wiggled in my arms, in fact he lay their comfortably. But, I mean he was also 50 feet in the air, if it were me I wouldn't thrash either. I spotted Hakagure's gloves floating in the air. She was standing next to the platform with the class. She got my message and was waiting for me to come back and complete the exercise. I laid Blasty down on the floor and Mr. Aizawa began cutting the ties. After he was free, he jolted up and rubbed his wrists scowling, going back into line. 

I didn't focus on the others's exercise's which I should've as Hawks always told me to learn from my friends and enemies alike. I was too distracted by Blasty. The little movements he'd make, what thing's ticked him off. I like noticing these things. I had a smile smile on my face when he finally made eye contact with me. We continued to stare at each other until Mr. Aizawa announced the exercises ending and snapped us out. I turned and covered my blush, I wasn't supposed to get caught looking at him. When I looked up I saw Mina give me knowing look which made me blush even more. When the class started moving I realized I didn't hear Mr. Aizawa's report. I was a mess today. If I didn't deal with this crush thing I could get behind in the class. I sighed and followed my classmates. 

??? POV

"So whats the plan again?"

"I just told you ass hat!"

" I know just trying get your panties in a bunch."

"My what!?"

"He means your girly underwear."

"I know what it- I don't wear girly underwear!"

"Mhm sure you do."

"Alright it's go time, be prepared UA."

"WHo tf are you talking to Mr. Monologue?"

"It's for the ambiance leave me alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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