Lets Get Down to Business

637 14 16

to defeat the huns lol



I told them I would remind them when a new chapter was out, Here you go! 

The next day in class was normal enough if you didn't notice the energy coming from the back of the room. There was an uneasy tension coming from the girls's huddle. You could sense the determined aura surrounding the group. One could only imagine what they were up to. Inside the circle, plans and scenarios were being made. 

They were cut off from their scheming by Mr. Aizawa as he got the classes attention.
In his regular sleepless tone he began," Today we will be doing rescue exercises, Its is important that we know how to read a situation and act accordingly to get civilians somewhere safe in times of disasters," He continued," Most of your quirks are better suited for combat while others quirks are rescue types. The groups will be randomized but if your partner has a rescue quirk that doesn't mean you can slack off an let them do the whole exercise. Any questions problem children?" The class shook their heads and Mr. Aizawa nodded. 

"Once you all get your hero costumes in order meet me outside in Ground Gamma." 

He pushed a button on the remote in his hand and the suitcases that geld the costumes started to move out from the wall. Then students got their according costumes and began to head to the changing rooms. Once they were situated, they joined Mr. Aizawa. 

Mr. Aizawa and Pro Hero Cementoss met with Class 1-A and started to explain what they were doing.

"I will be creating purposely fragile buildings made up off a soft type of concrete that was made by the support course. This material acts as sturdy as concrete but when broken has it's density lessen. Don't let this fool you, it will sill give you bruises if it falls on you or the person playing civilian." Cementoss lowered his hands on the ground to build the simulation. 

"The groups will hold three students; two heroes and a 'civilian'. You will be given 10 minutes to find and locate the civilian and bring them safely back to the platform you are all standing on now which is considered to be far enough away from the wreckage. This exercise specializes in only rescue so there won't be any unexpected 'villain' twist." Mr. Aizawa added.

Bakugo growled at the way this exercise was becoming more and more passive by the second. 

Cementoss turned back to Mr. Aizawa, in his hand was a box with an opening at the top. 

Mr. Aizawa explained, "Each of you will pick a card and it will tell you if you are a hero or civilian in the simulation. After everyone has picked I will activate the randomizer and it ill put you in a team of three, then we will commence the exercise."

The class lined up to pick a card, disappointed sighs and squeals of glee followed after a student picked a card. A yell could be heard from the front of the line, followed by crackles of sparks.

"WHAT THE HELL! I GET CIVILIAN!!!" Bakugo raged.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and wagged my card in his face. The card read hero.

"Sucks to be you I guess," I bluntly stated and walked away. I swear I could hear a vein pop. 

Mr. Aizawa pushed a button and the screen lit up showing the groups. 

It read:

Aoyama and Uraraka as the Heroes and Jiro as the Civilian 

Todoroki and Mineta as the Heroes and Mina as the Civilian

Y/n and Hakagure as the Heroes and Bakugo as the Civilian

Tsu and Sato as the Heroes and Kirishima as the Civilian

Kaminari and Momo as the Heroes and Deku as the Civilian

Tokoyami and Sero as the Heroes and Iida as the Civilian

Ojiro and Koda as the Heroes and Shoji as the Civilian

(I know I took Tail boi ojiro out but now hes back, idk how, but I had to put him in because groups of three)

The first group was up and Mr. Aizawa wrapped Jiro in his scarf and put her somewhere in the facility. After Mr. Aizawa came back the group was let out to find her. Uraraka began lifting rubble searching for Jiro, if a piece of rubble was to big for Uraraka, Aoyama blasted it with his quirk, using this technique they easily found Jiro because of their efficiency. Uraraka tore off Aoyama's cape to better carry Jiro and Aoyama wasn't too happy about that but he knew he had backups and was insured. Hopping over rubble while Aoyama blasted through them was easy and they reached the platform with three minutes to spare.

Aizawa gave a report of their simulation," They effectively used both their quirks to work efficiently and manged to find the civilian much earlier then many of you will. They also used their resources to their advantage such as using Aoyama's cape. All in all, this was adequate."

The class clapped and now it was the second groups turn.

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Hi folks I'm starting to update again wahoo! It's birthday in a couple days and I'm having my party today so with the good mood I managed to write this chapter for ya! Hope you all have wonderful days!

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