The Sleepover begins~

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I don't know whether to go back and change the chapter names to describe the chapter or just leave it as 'Chapter' you guys can decide in the comments but I'm leaning toward changing them.

EDIT: Heheheheeee I changed them


Next up was Kirishima and Kaminari. This was a good match up as it had Kirishima use his hand to hand combat as Kaminari's electricity could still affect him. Kaminari had to find a way to get far away from him to throw his electricity disks. Kaminari, much like Sero was a long distance attacker.  

The fight went pretty quick as Kirishima much like Uraraka had noticed his fighting style and overpowered him. While dodging Kaminari's attacks he had punched his head and Kaminari was then down for the count. I congratulated Kirishima and soon the next battle was up.

It was Shoji and Jiro next, they both specialized in finding out were people were but now they had to use more of a hand to hand combat training to win this battle. Shoji won as his strength bested hers, even though Jiro's hearing was better. 

Then it was Mineta and Koda. They were both freaking out but soon Koda gained some courage and attacked Mineta with the bugs under the ring. Mineta started freaking out some more and soon fainted from shock, meaning Koda was the winner.

Tokoyami and Yamomo were next, this was also an interesting battle as they were quite powerful as well. Yamomo was a good match up though as she just made a gigantic lighter and waved it in front of dark shadow. With a side kick to the hip, Tokoyami was quickly defeated, it was quite sad. Tokoyami had a powerful quirk but when matched with light it was a teddy bear. 

The training exercise was now over. We all hopped off the bleachers and headed either toward the dorms or the infirmary. I went with Uraraka and Mina to the infirmary as Uraraka still felt bad about Sero and Mina was there for support. I myself was there for Blasty because I knew that his personality would make him feel like he was weak or some shit.

We opened the doors to the infirmary and luckily they were all awake, even bedridden Izuku. 

"Glad to see I didn't kill you Blasty!" I ran over and patted his shoulder. He looked like he was ready to kill someone. He 'tched' and turned away from me.

"Don't be like that Blasty, It was fun fighting with you!" I tried to bring his spirits up," If you keep getting stronger I know you will be better then me!"

His eyes glazed a bit of confidence before turning back to his constant rage.

He stood up and grumbled out the door. I began to follow him, but I glanced over my shoulder to see Uraraka apologizing to Sero, while Sero tried desperately to tell her it's okay. I snickered and walked away with Blasty.


"Class Dismissed," Aizawa yawned crawling back into his sleeping bag. The class of the day ended and the students of Class 1A began to pack up their stuff and head out the door. I stayed back a little and waited for the explosion boi. 

"Heya Blasty!" I greeted, waving my hand.

"Bird girl." He nodded.

I started," So what are you doing later tonight!"

"Sleeping," He replied curtly. I looked at him for his horrible corny joke. Before class had ended I had asked the girls about the sleepover and I was wondering if I could bring Blasty. They agreed after much debate and now I was finally asking him.

"Do you want to come to me and the girls sleepover tonight?" I asked walking in front of him to block his escape.

"No" He growled, trying to push past me.

"Let me rephrase that," I said standing my ground,"Hey Blasty, you are coming to the sleepover tonight."

"Like hell I am." He pushed past me and began walking away.

"I'll pick you up at 7:00!" I beamed.

I heard him groan in the distance and I went back to the dorms, laughing.


 I rose from the comfort of my bed and trudged to Blasty's room, today was the sleepover and I was there to fetch him.

I knocked on the door lazily as I had not fully woken up yet. 

"What'd you want Bird girl." I heard a growl come form the explodey boi's room.

"Aww you knew it was me." I relished in the thought.

"Yeah because no one here has weak knocks like those."

I scowled and tore the door open not waiting for him to let me in. He was on his bed, scrolling through his phone. 

"OI! I DIDN'T TELL YOU YOU COULD COME IN!" He yelled throwing a pillow at me. (One that I so graciously gave him).

"Oh please Blasty you've invited me in here before, there's nothing for you to be shy about now." I made me way over to him and grabbed his arm,"Lets go now!"

"Yeah sure I invited you, you barged your way in here the first time!" He growled, going limp as to make my job harder.

"Who knew your rock hard abs would be this heavy," I groaned as I dragged him out of his room.

He blushed a bit and soon we were at Mina's dorm, where the sleepover was taking place. I knocked a few times and a mere moment later Mina was at the door, chips in hand. Blasty had finally stood up, and  I now realized how much taller he is then me. I looked like a little bunny compared to him. I scowled and he just gave me a confused look back. We walked in and everyone greeted us. It seemed that we were the last ones to arrive. Blasty sat down with a 'Hmpf' and glared at everyone. The girls took no mind and Mina plopped the snack on the ground. 

"Why am I here again," Blasty grimaced aiming the question at me. 

"Well Blasty if you really must know you are my friend an it's my job to make your life exciting!" I beamed knocking his shoulder.

He grumbled and looked away from how bright I was being. 

Uraraka began," Alright girls and Pomeranian, lets get this party started!"

Blasty looked like he was about to murder her so I held him back. 

"Lets play Never have a Ever!" Hakagure suggested. Mina smirked and started the game.


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