Chapter 3

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Trigger warning: This chapter contains acts of bodily assault, including rape.

Ever's POV

We get to Diego's house in less than fifteen minutes and we all pile out of my car. Wren knocks and after a few moments, Ethan opens the door and lets us in. He greets us and guides us to the sitting room where the other boys are.

Diego greets Wren with a hug and then says hi to Ava and I. We all say hi to Asher and Caleb and then we get comfortable on the couch. Diego gets the popcorn and drinks from the kitchen and plays the movie that was picked out by the boys.

By the time the final credits of the movie roll, I've had about three cans of root beer and my bladder is screaming at me.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask the guys.

"It's right this way," Caleb replies, leading me out of the room. He takes me upstairs and all the way down the hallway, stopping at the last door on the left. "In here," he says, holding the door open for me. I enter and turn on the lights.

Instead of a water closet and a tub with a shower head, I am surprised to be looking at a bedroom, furnished with a nicely laid queen-sized bed with maroon covers, a small dresser table with a smaller lamp on it, and a set of white plastic chairs surrounding a plastic desk. The walls are painted white and the windows are covered with maroon curtains.

I turn around to tell Caleb that he brought me into an actual bedroom instead of a bathroom, but I see Caleb shut the door, and hear the distinct click that signifies that the door has successfully been locked.

Confused, I look up at Caleb and see a snide grin on his face. He pushes me up against the wall and, grabbing both my hands in one of his, pins them above my head.

He rolls up my sweatshirt so he can have access to my breasts. I whimper as his cold hand comes in contact with the bare skin on my chest.

"S-stop, p-please stop," I beg. He doesn't listen, instead he pulls down my bra, pinches my nipples that are now hardened due to fear, and nips at the skin in between my girls. I scream.

My screaming seems to make him furious and he starts punching me on the left side of my midriff. He tells me to shut up and let him have his way, or I won't like what he'll do to me. I wince and cry because of the pain, but he doesn't stop.

I am now beyond terrified, but I can't do anything about it as he has my hands pinned to the wall and he is standing between my legs, so I can't even kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He continues his assault on my body, kissing my breasts and sucking harshly on my skin.

As he brings his hand down to my stomach, I remember that we've been gone for more than seven minutes, and everyone will be wondering where we are. "Caleb, if you don't stop now, one of the guys will come and beat you up," I smile weakly, making my voice as strong as I can.

He stops, surprisingly, and then adjusts my bra and my sweatshirt. "If anyone finds out about this, I'll kill them, and I'll kill you too," he threatens. I nod, wipe my tears and rub my wrists as I follow him out of the room and back downstairs.

As soon as we enter the sitting room, everyone looks up from what they were doing. "We heard screaming, is everything okay?" Ethan asks. I tell them that I screamed because I saw a spider, so I told Caleb to help me kill it and to wait, just in case there were more spiders. My explanation seems to satisfy them and I breathe a tiny sigh of relief.

I announce that I'm going home and make sure that Wren and Ava don't need me to drive them back before I leave. I rest my head on my steering wheel once I'm inside my car.

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