Chapter 6

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Ever's POV

I wake up pretty early the next day, considering I didn't sleep till well past midnight. I don't get out of bed, though. I had most likely annoyed mom last night, so I wait for her to leave the house before I go downstairs.

She left around eleven, with a male "friend" of hers. You'd think she'd at least wait a full year before she started dating again, but no. My dad's ashes are barely spread and she is already going out with different guys.

I take my bath and get dressed in a comfy red hoodie and black jean shorts. I go downstairs and prepare myself a bunch of pancakes with chocolate syrup drizzled on it and a tall glass of vanilla milkshake. I eat as fast as I can and then go back up to my room to pack my things.

I want to leave before my mom comes back, so I only pack my favorite outfits and pajamas, a few shoes and the few items of makeup that I own. I plan on coming back later for the rest of my stuff anyway.

I throw on a pair of black sandals, put my two bags in the trunk of my car and drive to Mason's apartment. When I get there, he helps me carry my bags upstairs to the room I am going to be staying in.

The room is about the same size as my room back at home. There's a large window with a window seat and white lace curtains directly opposite the wooden white door. The walls are painted a powder blue color and a queen-sized bed laid with powder blue and white checkered bedclothes rests against the wall at the left side of the room.

There's no dresser in the room but a varnish-coated wooden desk and a chair sit to the right of the bed. The other wall has a wardrobe with plain wooden doors attached to it, and I notice there's no adjoined bathroom. Mason tells me that the bathroom is just down the hallway. I thank him again and he leaves. I stay in the room and sleep for most of the day, and, thankfully, I am not disturbed.

Alexis, Mason's fiancée, calls me when it is dinnertime, so I go downstairs and help her set the table for dinner. She hands me the bowl of pasta and I place it down, then I place three ceramic plates along with some cutlery on the table. She gently puts the sauce and the roasted chicken down on the table, and Mason gets the bottles and the glass cups for water.

We dig into the food and Mason and Alexis try to make small talk with me. They ask about school and the new friends I've made.

We finish up our dinner, and Mason gets a bottle of red wine and three wine glasses from the pantry. He pours a glass for himself and one for Alexis and then asks if I want some.

I'm about to politely decline but Alexis beats me to it. "She's underage," she slaps my brother's arm. He chuckles. "Yes, I know she's underage, but it's not the first time she's having wine. We used to drink it every once in a while," he says.

"She wasn't pregnant then, silly," Alexis counters and slaps his arm again. I smile and tell Mason that I agree with her. I probably shouldn't be drinking anything other than dairy and fruit juice. "Wines are made from grapes," Mason deadpans. Alexis and I laugh. "We know, but it'll be better if she sticks to non-alcoholic fruit juice like orange and apple juice," Alexis says.

"Okay fine, whatever," Mason says and gets up to pour me a glass of milk. I thank him and drink the milk, then excuse myself to go back upstairs.

I decide to check my phone before I go to bed, since I haven't really checked it at all today. I find that I have five unread messages and three missed calls. The messages and calls are from three hours ago. Wren and Ava were going out, so they wanted to know if I was down for hanging out with them.

I quickly send a message to tell them that I was really tired so I slept for most of the day and that's why I didn't reply their messages or pick their calls. I also add that I would be available to hang out tomorrow, and I text them the address of my brother's apartment, then I go brush my teeth and change into my pajamas.

I lay face up on the bed and stare at the ceiling. The ceiling isn't painted white or powder blue, instead there's a painting of a starry night sky. I'm guessing it's Mason that painted it and I smile. I'll ask him about it in the morning.

I hear the door open and I sit up. "Hey," Alexis says and she walks over. "Hey," I reply, and scooch a little so she can sit on the bed. "How many weeks is your pregnancy?" She asks.

I don't really want to talk about my pregnancy, even though I want to keep the baby. But Alexis hasn't been anything but nice to me since she and my brother started dating five years ago, and now I'm staying at their apartment. I hesitate a little. "Eight weeks," I eventually whisper.

"I think you should get an ultrasound soon," she says. "You can get an early one next week or you can wait three weeks to get one. Think about it, and you can tell me your decision on Monday."

I nod. "Thank you, I'll think about it. Goodnight, Alex," I say. "Goodnight, Leigh," she replies and leaves.

I hug my pillow to my chest as I lay on my right side. Talking about my pregnancy makes it all the more real. That's not to say that it isn't real, but talking about it makes me kind of scared because I don't even know the first thing about being pregnant or taking care of a baby— well except drinking a lot of milk and fruit juice.

I guess I'll have to talk to Alexis more. Seeing as she knows that I am supposed to go for an ultrasound, there's a possibility that she may know a lot of other things that I need to do too. I don't want to tell any other person though, especially not Wren and the rest of the group. I don't know how they'll feel about it, and I don't want to take any chances. Mason and Alexis are the only people, besides me, that know about my pregnancy, and I intend to keep it that way, at least until it gets too obvious to be hidden.

Sleep eludes me for a long time. I toss and turn and play some soft music and pace around the room, but to no avail. Finally, as the first rays of the sun start to peek out of the sky, I fall asleep.

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