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august 4th, 2005.

hitoka woke up to the feeling of rain softly falling on her face. she realized she wasn't done for yet, but judging by the pool of blood beneath her body, she would be soon. her stab wound was burning, and she couldn't feel her legs still. hitoka willed her arms to carry her just a little bit farther. she had no tears left to cry, as she cried her throat raw before passing out earlier. hitoka noticed the trail of blood she had left behind, knowing she wouldn't be here much longer. she was sleepy, and her shivering body was shutting down on her.

in the midst of her thoughts, someone snapped her out of her daze. takashi rushed to her side, falling to his knees and almost slipping on the wet ground. he called, no, screamed her name three times before she reacted.

shaky arms pulled her body into his lap, one holding her close while the other was desperately trying to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. hitoka winced in pain.

soon finding herself in the real world again, she greeted him with a pained whine falling from her lips, "hi takashi."

"shh, save your strength, sweet girl. help is on the way," he softly cooed.

"it's okay takashi. i am happy to be able to spend my last moments in your arms," hitoka tried to comfort him.

"don't talk like that, toka-chan. help is on the way, you'll be fine," takashi repeated, trying to convince himself and her. a knot was forming in his throat, and he could barely speak. he didn't dare shift his attention from her face, taking in every detail. this was the last time they would see each other. she was slowly slipping from him, and both of them knew that.

bringing up a bloody hand that was pressing on her wound moments before, he caressed her hair.

hitoka lifted her hand to cup his chin using the last strength she had left. giving him the most genuine smile, she slurred her last words to him, "i'll see you when i fall asleep, 'kashi."

her hand slipped from his face and fell to her lap. she couldn't speak anymore. instead, hitoka chose to rest in her lover's embrace one last time.

it wasn't a happy ending, but to her, it almost seemed peaceful. hitoka looked to the sky before exhaling for the last time, feeling takashi's soft lips pressing gently to her own.

takashi hugged her body closer, begging for her to wake up. but his hitoka was gone.

the only thing left of her was her cold body and her blood on his hands, cursing him with nightmares for eternity until it was his time to join her once again.

hitoka was finally free, and takashi was with her on the last step of the way.

author's note – august 13th

this story is finally finished! i hope you enjoyed reading and didn't find it too boring. for me, the ending was a little fast but it was what i initially wanted, a short story with a sad ending.

thank you everyone! if aynthing, maybe some of you started loving mitsuya more. i know i did, and i am glad i managed to turn my little headcanon into a whole book! this was a big accomplishemnt for me, even if it wasn't the best. 

i'll start posting my new work, shinichiro x oc, tomorrow. it is going to be more detailed and planned out, but the updates are going to be less frequent (1-2 times a week).

until next time, koko. <3

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