Chapter 13

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As the rest of the day went by Naruto and Sasuke continued their climbing exercises, everyone else was at the dinner table.

Sakura: It's getting late and their both gone, I never expected that from Sasuke.

Just then, the door opened showing Sasuke carrying Naruto on his shoulder.

Just then, the door opened showing Sasuke carrying Naruto on his shoulder

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Naruto: We both made it, climbed all the way to the top!

Kakashi: Good. Starting tomorrow you'll join Sakura and Pjaè in being Tazuna's bodyguards.

In Naruto's excitement he took both him and Sasuke with him to the ground as Sasuke started complaining once more about Naruto being a loser. Everyone laughed at their antics as they all enjoyed their food.

By the end of the meal Tazuna shared some more important news,

Tazuna: In a few more days, the bridge will be finished, and I have you all to thank for that.

Tsunami: You've all done great, but you still have to be careful.

Tazuna: I've been meaning to ask you, why did you stay when you realized I had lied to you?

Kakashi: Those who stray from the path of justice have no courage, but under the wing of a strong leader, cowardice cannot survive.

Both Tazuna and Tsunami were confused.

Pjaè: If I remember that's a quote from the First Hokage.

Kakashi nodded his head in agreement.

Inari listening to Kakashi looked back at Naruto and after a few moments started crying,

Inari: But why?

Pjaè and Naruto turned to the boy,

Naruto: What did you say?

Inari slams his hands on the table,

Inari: All this stupid training is just a waste of time, Gato's got a whole army and they'll beat you down and then destroy you, these things you all say, they don't mean anything, no matter what you do the strong always win, and the weak always lose.

Naruto looked at Inari then put his head back on the table,

Naruto: Speak for yourself, it won't be like that for me.

Inari: Shut up! Just looking at you make's me sick, you don't know anything about this country, always laughing and playing around, you don't know what its like to suffer and be treated like dirt.

Pjaè and Naruto tensed in that moment. In that moment however, The lead in Pjaè's pencil had broke which caught everyone's attention.

 In that moment however, The lead in Pjaè's pencil had broke which caught everyone's attention

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Pjaè: Listening to you whine, do you really think that you are the only one who suffers?

Pjaè looked at Inari who stopped crying and looked stunned at the young man's now stern face. Everyone now focused on Pjaè.

Inari: W-what?

Naruto: He's right, listen to yourself, whining and complaining like some sort of sorry, little victim.

Inari was surprised at Naruto's reply as well.

Naruto: You can whimper all day for all I care, you're nothing but a coward!

Sakura: Pjaè, Naruto; you both went too far!

Still angry both Pjaè and Naruto headed outside together to walk and clear their heads.

Sakura:*sadly* Pjaè, Naruto...

Inari continued to cry as Kakashi looked at the boy with sadness in his eye.

Pier behind Tazuna's Home

Inari sat in the deck behind the house he heard footsteps behind it and saw Kakashi standing behind him,

Inari sat in the deck behind the house he heard footsteps behind it and saw Kakashi standing behind him,

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Kakashi: Can I talk to you?

Kakashi took a seat beside the little boy and began talking to him,

Kakashi: Naruto's always been... harsh. Pjaè on the other hand, he's always been a very nice kid, but he can get like that. But neither of them hate you.

Inari sat there listening.

Kakashi: Your grandfather told us what happened, to your father. You probably don't know this but neither Naruto nor Pjaè grew up with their fathers. As a matter of fact, Naruto never had a single friend until they meet each other.

Inari:*curious* Huh?

Kakashi: I've never seen either of them cry, sulk or give up in fact, its Pjaè that pushes Naruto to be his best, I think that's one reason he calls him his "Big Brother". Naruto's always eager to jump in, he wants to be respected, that's his dream, and he'll put his life on the line for that.

 Naruto's always eager to jump in, he wants to be respected, that's his dream, and he'll put his life on the line for that

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Inari was still sitting there listening while Kakashi continued,

Kakashi: Pjaè like the older sibling of the two, he always watches Naruto's back and looks out for him when he's down. Pjaè's main goal in life is to protect his mom. That's why he was so upset with you, Pjaè knows exactly what you're going through.

Inari:*shocked* Really?

Kakashi: Yeah that's right. I don't know the full details, but the main difference is that Pjaè's father walked out on him at a young age. He's also willing to give his life to make sure his promise to make sure Naruto succeeds comes true. My guess is Naruto got tired of crying, and Pjaè on the other hand wanted him another reason to live to give himself a purpose as a ninja, so they could both do something about that. Even though there both young and still learning they both know what it means to be strong. For Pjaè its an even stronger feeling to look for those he cares for and loves to protect them with all he's has, even if it may cost him. I think those two understand better than any of us, what you're going through, as cruel as what they both said, Pjaè and Naruto have probably told themselves those things a hundred times.

Kakashi finally finished.

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