Chapter 14

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The Next Day

As the next day came and rose, part of Squad 7 with no Naruto packed and headed for the construction site, when Naruto came back, he was exhausted as he used too much chakra as Pjaè had to drag him back.

Kakashi: Alright, I leave Naruto in your hands, he's pushed his body to the limit, overdoing it as usual so he might not move today at all.

Tsunami: What about you, you're still recovering yourself.

Kakashi: Why, do I look wobbly?

Tazuna: Come on, lets go.

With that the group went off to the site. As they approached the site, they were shocked to see all the men who were already there were out cold.

Tazuna:*shocked* Hold on, what the heck is this?

Pjaè ran to the closest man on the ground and checked his pulse,

Pjaè: He's alive and they all seem to be breathing.

Kakashi had a look of worry on his face,

Kakashi:(mind) I knew it, my prediction was right.

Suddenly a mist grew around the group, realizing the technique they all gathered around Tazuna in a defensive stance.

Kakashi: All of you get ready, now!

Pjaè drew his kunai and waited, trying to sense Zabuza through the mist.

Pjaè:(mind) I can barely sense anything in this mist, it's so thick with Chakra I can barely see my teammates.

Suddenly they heard Zabuza's voice threw the mist.

Zabuza: Sorry I kept you waiting Kakashi, and I see you still have the brats with you as well. That one's still trembling, pitiful.

Everyone looked to see six of Zabuza's clones surrounding them.

Sasuke brought a smile to his face, which caused one of Zabuza's to pause for a moment,

Sasuke: I'm trembling with excitement.

Zabuza's clones furrowed at the boy's calming attitude,

Kakashi: Go on Sasuke, Pjaè show them what you can do.

With that the two sprung into action taking out half of the water clones each in turn as they finished, Pjaè and Sasuke noticed the truth about them.

Pjaè: So, water clones. Sensei, in front of us!

They all looked in Kakashi's direction and saw Zabuza and the same tracker from, before with him by his side.

Zabuza: Oh, so you both saw they were water clones... and we have a sensor-type with us, looks like you've got some rivals, Haku.

Haku: So, it seems.

Both groups stared the other down, they knew this would be a long fight to come.

Both groups stared the other down, they knew this would be a long fight to come

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