EPISODE 1: Part 1

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EPISODE 1: The Boy with Burning Eyes, The King Takes Flight

8 Years Later, Helix City
Desi's Fishhouse, 12:11 PM

"Echo Team to Command. We've arrived at the location," said the squad leader as he and five of his men surrounded the main entrance of the now dark and quiet restaurant.

"Copy that, Echo Team. Secure all exits at once," nodding to the orders from Command, Echo Leader signalled the rest of the men in full combat gear to move to the other sides of the building.

"Echo-6. Anything on the scanner?"

"Two abnormal heat signatures detected. No doubt the targets, captain," replied the trooper with a scanning device in one hand.

"Any signs of civilians?" Echo Leader asked.

"Other than those two, the premise is all clear."

"Alright. All units, arm and ready," with Echo Leader's command, all the troopers removed their Konchu Powerkeys from their satchels and inserted it into the slot in the back of their Powerifles.

"Anti-Armor, Loaded!" their rifles announced in unison as the Powerkeys are slotted in.

"All units, move in from your entry points!" exclaimed Echo Leader as he kicked the twin doors open. The dining area was a mess. Tables and chairs have been flipped over, shattered plates and glasses scattered the floor, and the lights were all out, leaving up to sunlight from the windows and the opened door to illuminate the room.

"Lights on!" All the troopers then activated the flashlights mounted on their rifles.

"Everyone seems to have left in a hurry. Guess they didnt like what the chef was brewing in the kitchen," joked one of the troopers.

"Cut the chatter, Echo-3," Echo Leader warned sternly. "Where are the targets?"

"Heat signatures are coming from the kitchen. They don't seem to be aware of our presence yet."

"You heard Echo-6. Move to the targets' location!"

"Yes, sir!"

Almost at the same time, all the doors connected to the kitchen were breached, and in a few seconds 18 troopers came flooding in. The flashlights of their rifles were pointed to the far end of the kitchen, where two humanoid monstrosities were feasting on the live fish they were picking out from the kitchen fish tank.

"Target spotted! Permission to engage, Command!" shouted Echo Leader, which of course alerted the two monsters, prompting them to both turn to the troopers that had surrounded them. Their hideous reptilian jaws were drenched in the blood of their meal.

The first of the monsters has blue scales with orange accents, and a dark blue leathery skin. It has a head that looked like an iguana, with a shoulder length mane resembling dreadlocks.

The other one has a red skin that's covered in green feathers, with its forelimbs covered in hard brown shells. Its head is raptor-like and decorated with bright yellow plumage.

"Exterminate them," this time, a different voice came out from their communicator. Nevertheless, Echo Team acknowledged the order and opened fire at the two Hydreads.

The monsters did not simply take this sitting down either. They immediately sprung forward and began to violently thrash the troopers around the kitchen as they were being pelted by armor-piercing bullets of the Powerifles.

The iguana-like Hydread was the first to flinch from being shot at, but it still managed to retaliate by clawing two members of Echo Team.


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