The Blind Banker part 6: Jaded

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Sherlock stared into Clara's eyes, his stare so all-consuming that anyone watching would have expected Clara to melt. The knife at her throat was already deeply pressed into her skin, and he suspected that any change in pressure would draw blood. He almost inperceivibly tapped his left leg, before raising his hands, appearing to surrender. Just as she took a step back, Clara's right leg came up behind her, spearing the man in the balls with her high heeled shoe. The man instinctively used his hands to cover his genitals, in case of anover attack, allowing Clara to free herself with ease. By this time, the Warrior was in full force again, and began swinging wildly at both of them.

"Clara! Clara, go get John!" Sherlocks shouted, while dodging blows from the Warrior's knife with the can of spray paint.

"What, and let you have all the fun?" Clara asked, grabbing a broom from the corner and enganding the warrior herself, knocking him over. He used momentum to flip himself back onto his feet, now without his knife.

Down on the stage, John and Sarah watched in wonder at the acrobat, never once wondering whether Sherlock and Clara were fighting a murderous chinese man up in the dressing room above.

"Clara, Duck!" It was lucky that she did, because she narrowly avoided being kicked in the face by the warrior, who ended up hitting Sherlock in the chest, but sent himself to the floor as well.

"Oof!" Clara took the time during the warriors lapse in concentration to grab a can of spray paint and sprayed him in the eyes, allowing sherlock to get up. With the warrior down, he grabbed her by the arm.

"C'mon-" The warrior had recovered much quicker than either of them had anticipated. Sherlock pulled her behind him and turned the both of them to run just as Clara felt the warrior hit her; He'd taken a running leap and kicked her in the back. Propelled forward, Clara went flying out of the curtains and onto the stage, taking Sherlock with her. She landed solidly on her back, groaning, and Sherlock landed on top of her.

"Get off... of me!" Clara said, very winded as she tried to shove Sherlock off of her. Sherlock groaned, also unable to catch his breath as he rolled onto his back. "So, going up... there... was a... bad idea?"

"Terrible idea." He moaned, but then forced Clara to roll away from him as the warrior came flailing out of the dressing room. Clara felt better almost immediatly as the Warrior moved to stab Sherlock, Twisting her legs through his and tugging, taking him down to the floor. The audience began to run away screaming, as John came barreling towards them, shoving away the warrior as Clara helped Sherlock to his feet. Somehow, the man had gained a wide bladed sword, and began to take swipes with it at John as Clara continued to try to get Sherlock to his feet, and it was evident that the consulting detective was being rather insistent upon staying on the floor. John narrowly missed a blow from the warrior, and, suddenly, Sarah came barreling forward with one of the large arrows from the crossbow, screaming, and whacked the man over the head with it. With a slight sound of pain, the warrior slumped to the floor, unconcious. John placed his hands on his knees, trying to get his breath back as Sherlock (finally!) got to his knees, only to rip the shoe off of the warrior. Clara recognized it immediately; it was the mark of a tong. Sherlock smirked, and the grabbed Clara by the hand.

"Come on, lets go!" He shouted to John and Sarah, and if Clara proved one thing to Sherlock that night, it was that heels are indeed running attire.


"I sent a couple of cars, it's deserted, looks like its been that way for weeks." Dimmock said, steaming as he stormed into his office, followed by a rather irritated (or, in Sarah's case, confused) bunch.

"Look, I saw the mark of the Tong at that Circus, and I know Clara did too."

"Who cares what Clara saw-"

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