Breaking The Silence ♤

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Days passed by and the relation between them developed more and more, they were really inseparable, JK met Tae's friends and each other's families, now they study, eat, hangout, and make everything together. Somehow Tae was holding affection to towards him but preffered to stay silent for the fear of getting rejected might destroy him. However things won't stay the same forever, will they??

Sitting in the cafeteria having some desert after a deadly exam they both managed to succeed, a pretty girl approached jk and Tae's desk,
Am, Ehm, excuse me Jonkook may I have a word with you pls? REMI asked in a shaky voice, she was obviously into him well and a lot other's Jonkook was way too good to date,
OOOOOOW, Jk, JIMIN and JIN started to tease him come on man walk with her go they said, at that moment Tae gulped fearfully and started to shake he was too much annoyed with all the feelings of madness jealousy and fear but he managed to stay calm in front of the boys, Jk looked at Tae with lust and nodded his head for his Hyung's request and walked REMI through the hallway listening

Tae's eyes followed JK wherever he was, he wasn't able to blink, after a while JK came back with a movie ticket in his hand . SOOOO???? The boys were eager to hear the news but Tae was just staying still .
She invited me to the cenima, there's a new movie showing at tonight list,
Yeah, the romantic movie about a dancing girl and a musician guy Jin shouted, I envy you JK JIMIN sighed she is the prettiest girl in here you're lucky dude.

Standing from nowhere aggressively, Tae grabbed his books and headed home without dropping a single word leaving the others in shock. JK felt something wrong after calling Tae's cell phone he wasn't picking up so he decided to visit and check on him he was too worried Tae never acted like this before.

The door bell rang, hello mrs kim how are you? JK asked and bowed his head,
Hello dear Iam fine thank for your kindness, mrs kim I want to talk with Tae, yes yes sure dear come in he's upstairs , Jk went to Tae's room he was playing games, he sat beside him and started to put his hands on the screen teasing Tae so he can pay some attention to him. Tae's nerves were on the edge of exploding he tried to avoid JK's actions but he was too annoying, he slapped him so hard as he could hear the echo of his slap sound, jk's cheek was too red as if al the blood in his veins collided there, he was choked by his friend's attitude.

WHAT??? WHAT??? Tae shouted, what do you want?? Don't you have a date to attend, go and tease your pretty girlfriend ,she must be waiting for you, why are you even here huh?
JK still astonished couldn't replied, but he widened his eyes when he saw the drops of tears dropping down from Tae's eyes unstoppably, he didn't know what to do, whether he place his hand on his cheek or on Tae's head.

When he was about to act, Tae said in his shaky voice, I knew it, how did I even think about us as a couple, you're handsome and nice and successful and you can have too many girls, you're popular and loved, and Iam just a stupid guy who didn't have the courage to protect the person I love the most from losing him fearing the idea that you would hate me for loving you and looking at me in disgust.

Tears kept dropping down while JK turned into kind of a statue, he didn't know what to say, couldn't find the right words, Tae suddenly ran away covering his face speeding as fast as he can, leaving his heart braking words ringing inside JK's mind.
JK felt down to his knees trying to figure out what just happened, he suddenly noticed a little notebook under Tae's bed with a little piece of paper appearing out of it, he recognised the paper right away it was their photo during Jimin's birthday where they were hugging each other. JK oppend the notebook and read . . .

TAE'S DIARY: page 1: I met an angel today, I know I didn't have faith in their existence before but now I do, bcs I saw one today ,his name is JONKOOK. . .

Page 17: I think Iam starting to fall for him, I can't get my eyes away from him, he's so beautiful, I can feel my heart dancing inside my chest every time I see him smiling at me . . .

Page 42: I love him, I love him so much, I can't wait to see him tomorrow, he's so precious, I can't believe how lucky I am to have him . . .

Page 53: I want to confess my feelings to him, I want him to know how much I love him, but Iam a guy, he likes me as a friend, I'm afraid of the idea of losing him, I can't have him the way I want, and the way I see girls flirting with him, it just hurts so bad, my heart is aching, I shall bare this pain forever but can't lose him he's my everything. . .

Hello everyone, sorry for the bad language 😅, I hope you guys enjoy the story and if you pls will you write your comments about it I will be happy to know about your reactions and like it so I can continue writing it 💜 it's a fictional story so pls don't think bad about me ☺️😊

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