Chapter 7: Just a coincidence!!

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Tedros was tired! He'd almost been at Hogwarts for a week, he'd tried so hard in all his classes, he'd stayed up really late to complete his homework, and he was feeling extremely homesick. His mum had been writing to him asking how he was and if he was enjoying school, and he'd replied enthusiastically, telling her everything he was loving about the school, but for some reason he didn't feel he could admit that he missed home. Not even to Agatha.

He not only had this to deal with but Sophie to. She was appearing every day in every possible Gryffindor colour she could get away with wearing. Tedros felt bad for her, but at the same time her persistence to impress him was causing him headaches. He tried to get her to show him her true colours like Agatha did, but that only resulted in more red on her uniform with Sophie saying "Red is my true colour!". Why she couldn't understand the metaphor Tedros didn't know.

All Tedros wanted to do was talk to Agatha, but the other Gryffindor boys who also wanted to talk to Tedros were irritated that he was always hanging out with her. One morning while Tedros was sitting a few benches away from Agatha at breakfast, he screwed up a napkin and threw it at her. She turned around irritated to see Tedros smiling. She got her napkin and a pen and neatly wrote on the back 'What is it?' Tedros caught it and got his pen and wrote 'Meet me at the quidditch stadium after the match.' He threw it Agatha who caught it, read it and beamed.

'You should try out for the team, you can throw and catch really well, you'd make a good Chaser". Tedros smiled and mouthed 'T h a n k s'. Agatha nodded. She got her glass of pumpkin juice, raised it to him, and then took a sip. Tedros did the same to her. He took a sip, but his pumpkin juice tasted weird.

5 hours later...

Tedros was waiting nervously under the bleachers. What if Agatha didn't show? He thought worried. Suddenly, he saw Agatha hurrying across towards him. "Hey!" she said.

"Hi!" replied Tedros. "Agatha there's been something I've been meaning to ask you."

"What's wrong?" she asked with a nervous frown.

"Um I was wondering...if maybe...I don't know...if you wanted to hang out after more than friends." he then coughed really loudly and said "or I mean we can just stay friends that works for me."

Agatha's face lit up, then suddenly it went away.

"Tedros I'd love to hang out with you after more than friends-"

"But..." said Tedros disappointed.

"But" said Agatha "I can't do that to Sophie, she's my sister and she really likes you, and to go out with you would make me a bad person, you understand that right?"

Tedros nodded. Agatha went over and kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear "and for what it's worth, I really like you, a lot." Then she walked back into the stadium.

Tedros turned around to see Sophie dressed head to toe in red. "Teddy what were you doing down here with Aggie?" she said.

"It was just a coincidence!!" exclaimed Tedros, perhaps a little to fast. Sophie frowned and then said "Well, I have great news! I'm seeing Merlin later and he'll finally switch me over!"

"That really is great news" said Tedros, dull and very unenthusiastically.

"Wow." said Sophie "Gee don't sound to excited" she added sarcastically.

"Sorry" said Tedros "I just got some...well bad news" he said.

"What?" said Sophie. Tedros thought on the spot and said "My mum is...sick." he said.

"Oh" said Sophie "For a minute I thought Aggie rejected you or something" she laughed. "Not that that would be a bad thing" she added winking. Tedros felt like he'd been hit in the stomach with a giant rock.

"I...I think I'm gonna be sick!" said Tedros, before running away and violently throwing up in a bush. Agatha saw him and rushed over. He looked up, turned white as a sheet, and fainted into her arms.

Tedros eyes fluttered open to see Agatha sitting on a chair holding his hand and reading a book. He looked around to see lots of neatly made beds. He was in the hospital wing. "You're running a bit of a fever." said Agatha worried sick. She stroked his forehead. "And I've changed my mind by the way. I will go out with you". said Agatha.

"W-what made you change your mind?" asked Tedros, still pale.

"When Madam Pomfrey checked to see what was wrong, she found traces of something in your system." Agatha frowned infuriated.

"Traces of what?" asked Tedros.

"A love potion. Which wasn't brewed correctly. It made you ill."

"Who would feed me a-" but then he understood. He wondered why his pumpkin juice tasted wrong. Tedros didn't know how but Sophie slipped him something.

"I just wish I could've stopped this" said Agatha, a tear sliding down her cheek. Tedros wiped it away.

"It's ok, it's not your fault." He said. Agatha nodded and continued stroking his head. Tedros was starting to regain some colour.

"Visiting hours are over Miss Gavalwoods" said Madam Pomfrey. "Mr Pendragon needs rest."

"I'll come back tomorrow" said Agatha. Tedros nodded and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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