011- wepons & emotions

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megumi's pov

"even when the sky comes falling..."

"even when the sun don't shine..."

"i got faith in you and i..."

we were still out in the rain, waiting on someone to pick us up, which was talking a lot longer than we had expected. i was sitting with my knees to my chest behind (y/n), my face in her shoulder as we both sat in the rain. to be fair, we both didn't want to move. i felt her body vibrate as she quietly sang to itdatori's corpse...


i shifted my head to look ahead of me. (y/n) tightly held the upper part of itadori's body, his legs lying lifeless in front of her. she had removed her jacket to put over him like a blanket, even though she was shivering from the downpour.

his usually vibrant pink hair was now dirty from the rain and mud, but (y/n) didn't seem to mind. she played with his hair as she sang, unknowingly mixing blood into it.

it was like she was in a daze.

she was looking straight into the forest, eyes glossed over. if she wasn't singing, i would have thought she was dead too. her voice was steady and her face seemed calm, but i could hear her heart shoving blood down her veins.

it hurt so much to see her in pain.

it was like her vitality was stolen from her.

i spread my legs to put them at either side of (y/n). wrapping my arms around her, i snuggled my face back into the crook of her shoulder. "i'm sorry." i whispered, saying it to both itadori and (y/n).

her voice didn't falter until i spoke, momentarily stopping the song. i suddenly became aware of how loud the rain was. she rested her head against mine before continuing.

"i got faith in you and i...."


the next day

"nanami," walking into the room, you sat in the seat across from him. he sat with one leg over the other, reading from a newspaper. he brought it down a bit to give you a quick glance.

"(y/n)." he copied, waiting for your request. "you seem to be doing better."

the school healers fixed your rib, making it as good as new. there was still a bit of soreness in your core, but it was manageable.

you toyed with the rings on your fingers before answering. "i have a question."

"let it out, then."

taking a breath, you leaned back in the sofa-like chair, bringing a foot to the edge and resting your arms on the armrests. "my biological father died due to curse reactions, right?"

though nanami was seen as an unemotional person, he only truly showed warmth to two people: you and your father, who was his closest friend in high school. that was a big factor as to why he so quickly decided to adopt you.

he knew this was a fragile topic for you. and it was for him as well. so he chose to tread lightly. "yes." he spoke, reaching for his white coffee cup.

"and he was the strongest blessing user to this date."

"yes, you're a close second. which is very impressive for your age."

"nanami." you glared, silently letting him know that you're aware that he was trying to change the topic. you drew shapes in the air with your energy as you awaited the answer you wanted. "who killed my father?"

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