Put That Bottle Down, I'm Fine

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      "Grantaire, I really can't right now." Enjolras said.

      "But you've been ignoring me all day!" Grantaire exclaimed. "I thought after we won the battle you would loosen up a bit."

      "Grant, now I have a country to run. France needs me more than you do."

       "No she doesn't." Grantaire said quietly.

       He stalked across the room and placed his hand on the doorknob, then seemed to change his mind, and turned back around.

      "I love you Enjolras. You are the only reason I have to live anymore. Do you think I care about this cursed revolution?! I'm here because for years you were the only friend I ever had. You were the person who took care of me when I was drunk. You make sure I pay my rent. You care if you don't hear from me. No one else does!"

       His rant finished, Grantaire snatched a bottle of red wine off the bar counter and took a swig.

      "Grant," Enjolras said softly. "Put that bottle down."

      Now Grantaire really did leave the tavern, taking the wine with him. Enjolras dropped into a chair with his head in his hands.


      "Gav, are you all right?!" A startled voice exclaimed. 

      Gavroche raised his head, tears streaming down his face, and saw the gentle Courfeyrac standing over him.

      "I'm fine." He said in a strangled voice. "I just miss Eponine."

      "We all do" Courf said sadly.

      "No, you don't understand. She was my sister."

      "Oh Gav I'm so sorry!" Then he sighed. "Come on, you're spending the night at my place."

      "I'm fine!" Gavroche repeated, though he obviously wasn't.

      "No, I insist."

      Then he threw the tiny hero over his soldier like a sack of grain. For the first time since the battle, Gavorche let out a small giggle. Courf always did know just how to cheer him up.

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