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Minho and Felix had been spending a lot of time together these past six months, ever since Jisung cheated. Minho has gotten over Jisung, and started dating Changbin. The smaller and more dominant male, had been crushing on Minho ever since the last year of highschool. Hyunjin and Seungmin were still together, and Chan and Felix got together, leaving Jeongin as a single pringle.

(A/N: I hate how Jeongin is always single in FF's -_- as I make him single in this-)

Jisung on the other hand, was a wreck. He and the guy he cheated with, Hwanwoong, were always arguing, and then having make-up sex. Jisung eventually was getting tired of the make-up sex and broke off connections with the smaller male, as he is only making Jisung's life, hell. He was sad and lonely, and his closest friend, didn't want to talk to him. Jeongin and Chan would visit him every so often to make sure he's eating, getting enough sleep and talk for a while.

"H-How's Minho hyung?" Jisung asked, feeling ashamed and guilty. Chan smiled at the younger and patted his back. "He's alright, he's dating Changbin now. They seem happy, but might be hiding something." Jisung quietly gasped. He had a few thoughts running through his head. The boy regrets cheating, as it has put him into a life of hell.

'I don't even have a chance.'

'Is there a reason to live WITHOUT Minho hyung?'

'Will he ever love me again?'

'Forgive me Minnie..'

"That's great! I'm happy for him." Jisung said with a fake smile. Jeongin hugged Jisung, seeing right through the fake smile. The younger boy felt bad for his older cousin, Jisung, but at the same time, he deserves it for cheating.

Chan was getting notifications about someone trying to break into his house, so he, Jisung and Jeongin drove home. They got home and walked into the mansion, seeing Felix, Changbin and Minho tied up. The intruders, which were from the other Mafia group were standing there with guns to their heads. Chan went t step closer to his crying boyfriend, he was cut off and stopped. "Ah, Ah, Ah. You better stop or your boyfriend and Lee Know gets shot." One of the three guys said. Minho was laughing like a maniac and was hit in the head with Jake's gun.

(A/N: The three members of the other mafia here are Jake, Yeonjun and Lia.)

Minho continued to laugh, everyone trying to hush him, but Jisung knew it was his signal. It means "break free". So jisung nodded, and grabbed a knife out of his pocket. He reched for Lia and held her close to her, at knife-point. "Release them, or this knife slices her throat." Yeonjun screamed in aggravation and put his gun down, releasing the tied up boys.

Jake and Lia rushed out of the house while Yeonjun was picking a fight with Jisung and Changbin. Luckily for Yeonjun, he knew his limit and backed off.

After this situation, everyone gathered in the movie room to watch Suicide Squad. Minho and Changbin were sitting next to each other, awkwardly. Felix was cuddled with Chan with Jisung and Jeongin were together, gossiping and talking a lot.

To say the least, the day was eventful, but not the most exciting for Minho. He wished his ex would leave, but he wants to cuddle up with him. The older wished he could just kiss Jisung right now, but Jisung cheated, and Minho is with someone.

'I-I still love him...'


'Jisung, why did you mess it up?!'


This was a short update but thats okieeee :)))

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