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Jisung was with Felix, and they were picking some outfits for the nine boys. Changbin's mother has invited them all to a party as entertainers, and they are going to perform as a band.

"We need to get unique outfits that of course match each others styles." Felix mentioned. The other agreed and started to pick out some T-shirts. Jisung was standing there, blanked out of ideas, until one poped in his head. Making him gasp loudly. "LIX! What if, we bought red shirts and black fabric paint, and got Chan hyung to make our 'Stray Kids' logo on the shirt?" Felix's eyes widened and he hugged the other male.

They bought nine red shirts, and felix picked out everyone some jeans that matched their personality. Felix picked out some fake silver chains so Changbin can put them on his black jeans that they picked for him. Jisung grabbed some fabric paint and fabric markers for designing the clothes. After paying for everything, they called a Taxi and went home.

"GUYS GUYS GUYS! We have the best fashion choices for the party!!" The two males yelled while walking in Bang Chan's house. Felix and Jisung explained hwo they are going to do their outfits and everyone was happy with it.

~At the party~

"Mr and Mrs Seo! Hi!" Bang Chan greeted the couple while bowing. The boys all introduced themselves and then, something caught Felix's eye. "Hey isn't that..Tzuyu Sunbaenim?" He pointed to the tall girl. Bang Chan confirmed that it was her, making his boyfriend excited.

Jisung and Minho were over by the food. "better get samples, Minnie. You might want some of these things for our wedding." The older blushed and kept getting small bits of everything on the food table. The boys had to perform in an hour, giving them tie to settle in and get comfortable with the guests. Of course, they don't have very many songs of their own, so they separated into smaller groups to do Covers of songs.

"First up. We have Woojin, Jisung and Bang Chan of Stray Kids performing 'As If it's Your Last' From BLACKPINK!" The three boys started singing their remix of the song and it managed to wow the audience. After that, Stray Kids performed 'Fancy' from Twice.

Before the boys knew it, the party was over. They stayed behind to help Changbin's parents clean up and to talk about their careers.

"I know the least abotu your parents, kid." Mr. Seo said, talking to Jisung. The boy sighed heavily and explained that he barely knows his mother, and his father is an alcoholic. The others started to pity him, but he stopped them from doing so. "My mother lied about killing herself and my dad hasn't ever been a good dad, so never pity me."

Everyone walked back to their houses. Minho and Jisung had decided to watch a movie to fall asleep, but by the end of the movie, both were still awake. "Hannie?" The younger hummed in response. "Were you serious about thinking about what I want for our wedding?" The younger looked Minho in the eyes and cupped his cheeks.

"Of course I am. I want to spend my life with you. this is only the beginning chapters of our lives as we still have many years to come." He kissed the older on the cheek and layed back. Jisung gestured to his boyfriend to come cuddle him.

Minho had a warm feeling inside. He felt, appreciated, loved. wanted.


I know these are getting shorter and i'm sorry...but next chapter will be the last. I'll try to make it a long one!

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