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"Hey, hey! Have you heard about The Pink Crimson Demon?" I overhear two of my classmate's conversation next to me. When the boy asked that question, the girl he was talking too responded, saying "Yeah, it's really scary. They say she fell in love with a human girl, but she was actually using her to eat her heart!" The girl was shaking in fear while the boy laughed at her. "Don't be such a baby! I don't think it was real anyway" The boy then looked my way and asked "Hey dead girl! You think The Pink Crimson Demon is real?"

"Asshole!" I thought to myself. I ignored him and continued to do my homework. My name is Camellia, like the flower. I was given that name because my mother told me that a red camellia symbolizes love or something like that, but I've learned that it also symbolizes a noble death among  warriors and samurais. Now ever since Kindergarten, I'm known as 'Dead Girl'. Not only because of my name, but my curly black hair covers most of my eyes because they also look dead and soulless. It doesn't bother me now, I'm used to it.

The teacher then comes in and everyone takes their seats. "Good morning class! Today we have a new student joining us this year. I want you all to meet her, her name is Chauncey Jigoku". Jigoku......Hell....What an odd last name. The girl name Chauncey happily walks in the classroom and stands before us. She has long black hair tied in twin tails, it's so long that it almost reaches the floor. There were red ribbons tied to her hair to look like bows. She has on the schools red and black uniform, with thigh high socks and black leather boots with a few spikes. She's carrying her school bag that has satanic charms on it, there was one that looked like a cross and another one that had the devil on it. She had the biggest grin on her face and for some reason, when the sunlight hits her face, her brown eyes look red. That sends me shivers down my spin. She looks like a classic goth.

"Hey everyone! My name is Chauncey Jigoku, nice to meet ya'!" She then threw a peace sign in front of the class. Most of the students said hi back to her but I just stayed silent. She even has a weird accent that slightly slips whenever she talks. Is she a foreigner? No, that's not it. Maybe she's from a different town or something.

The teacher asks Chauncey to tell everyone a bit about herself. "Well, I love horror movies, video games, and miso ramen!" She then sighs and says "I love miso ramen! It's the best!" She seems very peppy and kind of annoying. The teacher then asks her where she would like to sit and Chauncey looks around for a moment. Theres a few empty seats and one of them is next to me, I just hope she doesn't sit there. Chauncey looks right at me, smiles, and says in excitement "I wanna sit next to her".

"Oh great" I thought to myself sarcastically as I look out the window. Chauncey sits next to me and puts her bag down. I could feel her presence and her eyes on me, I just wish she would stop staring. I look at her and I see her smiling. "Whats your name?" I deeply sigh and I decide to be friendly towards her, she is new after all. "I'm Camellia Wisteria". She gives me a surprised look and says "Camellia, that's a beautiful name! I'm Chauncey!"

"I know, you said your name earlier!" I thought. She holds her hand out for me to shake hands with her. I look at her pale hand, her red fingernails are bright but I noticed that her pinkie is not there. Whats left is a nub that has a bandage wrapped around it. The bandage looks really old and there's dried blood on it. She should change it before it gets infected! Oh well, I decide to not ask about it and I shake her hand.

"How 'bout you and me become friends? I knew the moment I saw you that you'd be cool". I don't know if I should be flattered or creeped out by that. My first impression or her is that she's just an odd girl, but maybe if I get to know her more, I would like her. Oh well, I'm willing to try. "Sure. I would like to get to know you better" I tell her. She cheers and I laugh a little bit. Maybe she won't be so bad after all.


After school, Chauncey asked me to come over to her house to hang out with her. An odd thing to ask someone on the first day of meeting them, but I said yes. It's a long walk home, so me and her talked while walking to her house. She started calling me Millie, which I thought was cute. We actually didn't talk much, we just talked about our interests and we actually have a few things in common. We both like horror movies and even though I was judging her for looking like a goth earlier, I consider myself a goth too. I told her about how I love to paint and she told me about her love for video games.

When we got to her house, I was amazed. It was a traditional Japanese house but it looked big and expensive. There were flowers in all different colors around her home. It looked beautiful in front of the sunset and the large mountain behind it. It was far from Tsubaki, our town and school.

We went inside the Genkan and took our school shoes off, putting on house slippers and proceeding into the house. The hallways were dark so I held onto Chauncey so I wouldn't lose her in the darkness. "Are your parents home?" I ask her in curiosity while we're walking around her empty house. "They passed away in a car accident so I live by myself." She lives in this big house all by herself? Poor girl.

Chauncey opens one of the sliding doors and we finally get to her bedroom. It was large with tatami flooring. There was a low table with black cushions, built-in-shelves, a built-in-desk, and two futons. There was also a classic gameboy lying on the table. A TV and a remote sits on the floor.  "I thought you live by yourself" I told her. She noticed me looking at the two futons and said "I-It's just in case you wanna have a sleep over!" I didn't think too much into it.

While Chauncey does her homework, I decide to look around more. Theres really not much in here. I wonder if Chauncey ever gets bored. How long did she live like this?  I look at her desk and I see an old newspaper from three years ago about 'The Pink Crimson Demon' that took place in Ninjō Village. There was a demon that fell in love with a human woman named Kirami Hanarama. The demon was using her so that she could eat Kirami's heart. The demon did a lot of filthy things to Kirami and she finally got out of the demon's curse. Now there's rumors that The Pink Crimson Demon will curse you by granting you a wish. Whatever that wish is, she would want you to be 'hers'. I read the whole article and the interview with Kirami Hanarama. She's apparently famous now because of her experience with the demon.

"Millie." Chauncey called to me and I quickly turned to her. "Yes?" She looked up from her homework and had a serious look in her eyes. "Promise me you'll always stay with me. I don't wanna be alone anymore." I was slightly anxious about her sudden seriousness and I laughed off my nerves. "You're an odd girl, aren't you?" I asked. "PLEASE!" Chauncey shouted while slamming her hand on the table. I jumped and I saw a tear fall off her face. She seems to mean what she's saying, she's getting really emotional about it. I guess I don't blame her, God knows how long she's been living by herself after her parents died. She needs a friend.

"I promise."

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