He's Not Yours..(Part 13)

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La'Star POV

Desmond looked so pale... as I looked between him and Dwayne.

"Are you sure he's mines?" Desmond asked

"Hell yeah! What kind of woman do you take me for?"

"You tell me , how come you waited so long to tell me!?" He asked

"I was scared and alone...you went off to jail , so what was I suppose to do? Huh! Desmond!" She said , as she started to have a break down

"Candice , this is just way too much..but I'm a man and I take care of me and mines." Desmond told her

"Good , because..I've been needed your help along time ago...I've done things I'm not proud of..." she said looking down at her feet

I actually felt sorry for her

Desmond bent down , and stared at Dwayne for a bit.

"Hi, I'm Desmond.." Desmond smiled

Dwayne , didn't even respond he just ran into Desmond's arms.

Desmond was shocked , but hugged him tighter.

"Perfect.." Candice whispered

"How so?" I asked

" Dwayne , finally gets to meet his father." She smiled

I looked at Desmond and Dwayne. Dwayne really looked at peace , but something just wasn't adding up with this...


Paula POV

I didn't know what to say..I spent most of my childhood crying over this man..

"You need to go NOW , before I call the police"

"Listen , you can't hide from me forever , Paula.."

I started shaking my head

"I think you need to leave , she already told you once." Keem said , firmly to my uncle

"In due time Paula.."

Keem POV

I stared at Paula a few minutes after that dude left.

"Who was that..? and what was he talking about?"

" A long story.."

"Well , I'm listening.." I told her

"I don't even know where to start.." She said while looking down

"Let's try it , from the beginning..there's nothing to be ashamed or scared of..."

"You have NO idea , what that man is capable of doing!"

"tell me. Paula I can't help , if you don't open your mouth.."

"he's my uncle.."

"okay, continue.."

"Remember , when Desmond asked me , why I'm so mean..? My uncle is the reason why...he made me do things I wish I could take back."

I felt my blood boiling

"what kind of things?"

"Se-exual things.." She strutted out , as she began to break down.

I didn't wanna force it out of her.. but I had to know. I'll kill for mines plus she's pregnant now, so I have to take extra care of her. I'll put my life on the line for her.

I rubbed her back for a minute , until she spoke..

"Keem , can you promise me something?" she asked looking me dead in my eyes.

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