New Addition (Part 12)

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9 months later

"Look , Candice I need you to get on her good side , she's the only way we can get to him. I don't give a fuck how you feel about him being with someone other then you , get over it." said Easy

"But , I can't stand her... I want to be with Desmond.. and I SHOULD be with Desmond , not her.. plus I'm already on her bad side." said Candice

"Well , fix that shit. Immediately. Desmond must get what's coming to him.. sooner or later ... and I need it to be sooner. " replied Easy

"If I don't get Desmond wrapped in my hands , then my head's gonna be gone..and if I go down , then everyone else is going down with me!" Easy yelled while slamming his hands down on his desk.


Desmond POV

"aye , bae .. we need cheese." I yelled as looked at food I put on the counter.

I was cooking dinner , cause Keem and Paula were coming over. I must said La'Star and I have gotten closer these pass couple of months. It feels like we're soul mates.

"babe , what are you tryna cook , with all these ingredients out?" she asked

"It's a surprise..." I winked

"if you say something else about a damn surprise again , Ima punch you." she glared at me

"sur-" the house phone ringed before I could finish

La'Star skipped to the phone , as I stared at her ass. She had on black tights and an all black crop top with her hair in a messy bun leaning to the side. She looked so adorable.

"Hello? La'Star speaking.."
I heard her say.

"Desmond , it's for you... someone named Zack."

Zack Masson...Zack is in the drug game , he and his brother, Zoe , they're in the big dog lead now. We use to all sell drugs together , Keem , Zack , Zoe , Que , and I. They also have have an half sister , named Riley, she's the most freakiest girl I know. We fucked around a couple of times, but nothing serious. The good ole days..

I grabbed the phone from La'Star , before pecking her lips.

"Sup , Zack."

"Aye , old coon...long time no see."

" I know , I know. Been busy , with this line and stuff. We need to meet up one day.."

"You damn right, I miss the old days, when we use to act a fool and run from the police."

"Don't even start with that shit, but mane Ima holla at you later.."

"Mhm , you're with La'Star , Keem told me all about yall. " he chuckled

leave it to motor mouth..

"yeah , yeah , yeah... Please don't start with all that. I already know , you and Zoe about to be down my back."

"Fuck yeah..but I just got a client see ya later."

"Ight," and I hung up

La'Star stared at me for a minute..

"So, whose Zack?" La'Star asked

"A very old friend of mines.." I chucked

"he sounds nice, how did he get my number?" she asked

"Keem , big mouth ass."

"that's not a nice thing to say , about him. I'm not mad or anything" she chuckled

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