A Boring Day (Part 2)

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"If it ain't about the money

Don't be blowin' me up, nigga I ain't gettin' up

If it ain't about the money

Ain't no use in you ringin' my line, stop wastin' my time

If it ain't about the money

Nah I can't even hear what you say, I ain't finna do shit

If it ain't about the money

Bitch, you can miss me with it, bitch nigga miss me with it"

Rudely awoken , by my ringing phone(iPhone 5s). I turned over , and grab it without looking at the caller id.


"Wake ya ass up!! We got shopping to do! " yelled my best friend , Paula , through the phone.

You would think , after all the drinking she did last night I would be calling her and yelling in her ear.

"Fuck shopping ! I just wanna sleep, until it's time for work. What happen to you last night ? I was looking for your ass and you went M.I.A on me ! " I semi yelled

" ... Well , sorry.. While you were getting dress , I ran into an old friend , and he took me home ...... If you know what I mean." smirked Paula

"You left me for some dick! Bye Paula , see you tonight!" I told Paula , as I hanged up.

I put my phone on the charger , and turned over to go back to sleep , but once again my phone started ringing. I thought about not answering , but I hate when people don't answer my calls. I turned back over , and it was Mike , my boss at the club. I quickly answered.


"Hi , La'Star , I'm calling to tell you , not to come in tonight."

"WHAT! Why not? Is something wrong" with worry in my voice , I hope he wasn't firing me.

"No , nothing at all , La'Star , it's just that I have a new girl coming and you've been working a lot , so I thought I could give you a break." calmly said Mike

"Oh ... Okay , thank you." I lightly chuckled

"Alright , see you Saturday." said Mike

"K." and I ended the call

Since it's thursday I didn't have anything planned , but work .. and now that's canceled. I could sleep all day , but I need to get out. Maybe I'll call Paula back , but I'm not in the mood to hear about her "old friend". Times like this I wish I had a man , and we could go to the park and talk about all of kinds of things. But the men around here in Atlanta don't want nothing but one thing or maybe it's just the ones that keep approaching me. In the middle of my thoughts , my stomach started rumbling. I got out of my king size bed , and walked into my all white marble bathroom , I grabbed a red towel , a white wash rag , turned on the hot water , and started my shower. After 35 minutes of letting the hot water hit my body , I got out , wrapped my towel around me , went to the sink and grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste , and brushed my teeth. After goggling my mouth rinse and spitting it out , I headed into my bedroom . Still thinking about what I was going to do today , my phone started ringing . It was Daniel , I can't stand him , he's so crazy over me. I wouldn't give his ass the time of day. Every time I go to work he pays for a private dance , I wish I didn't have to do it , but it's all about the money. Of course I ignored it, and went into my closest to find something to wear , it's only 1:57pm , so my favorite Chinese place should be open. I put on a black crop top , a pair of hollsiter jeans , and my all black roshes. I grabbed my phone , keys , Michael Kors purse and made my way to my garage. I have two cars , an all black Benz , and a yellow mustang , I decided on the Benz , I put my purse and phone in the passenger sit , put my seatbelt on , cranked up my car , pushed in my favorite cd , to let PartyNextDoor take over my thoughts , and wait for the garage door to open.

Author's Note;

Paula in the MM

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