Coming Out (Part 16)

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Paula POV

"Keem, come rub my feet.." I yelled.

I was laying in bed , and Keem was in the restroom shaving.
Keem came out the restroom and sat on the end of the bed by my feet.

"Why I gotta rub your stank feet?" he asked , making a face

"Don't you love me?" I asked , making a puppy face

"Yeah, sadly I do love your spoiled ass..."

"I'm not spoiled.." I said

"Then what do you call it?"

"Getting my way.." I said

"That's the definition of spoiled.."

"hush, and rub my feet.." I whined

He finally started rubbing my feet..

"Babe, have you thought about what you're going to do after the baby is here? I mean like job wise.." he asked

"yeah, I wanna go back to school..and became a lawyer. I already told you that." I said

"I know, but I just wanna make sure. You know I gotcha right?" he smiled

"Yeah, I know.." I smiled back

"Bab-" His phone started ringing. he walked over to answer it.



"aye, bossman..that nigga is after you." one of my old friends , Markell
said..sounds as if he's crying.


"Paula's uncle..he found out you're the that sent us and he said he's coming for your head..." he sniffed

"Mar-" I heard a gunshot, and the line went silent.



"I hope you rot in hell!" I yelled at my mother

"Look, I'll be damned if you talk to me any kind of way. I'm YOUR mother. Not the other way around.."

"Bullshit, I don't have a mother. I never did.."

"Don't you ever say that again. I will slap the piss out of you."

"I do as I please, you are in MY house. You tried sleeping with MY man. Your stay is pass over due. I would like for you to leave now. " I said

"Girl, I'm saving you. Don't you get that? I was tryna making sure he was a good man.." she said

"Do I look fucking stupid to you? Ima need for you to get your bags and leave.."

She looked at me one last time , and took off for the guest room.


"no...ion wanna hear it..I'm not mad at you, but I just need a minute..better yet I need a drink.."

As my mother made her way out , I left to head to my favorite spot , Sunkiss.

As I took in the liquor.. I thought about my mother , and her mind games.

"Another hard day?" The bartender asked

"You have no idea.." I said , while shaking my head

I continued to drink..shot after shot.

"You might wanna are you going to get home?" some male asked

"That's why they have cabs.." I said as I looked him up and down , he was
dressed in a business suit.

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