Chapter 28

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"You're lucky I love you all," Sofia handed Monse the wad of washed cashed. Cesar was missing, and they had hope he was still alive. Sofia needed him to be alive. Oscar was good at hiding it, but he was concerned. It had been a week, and with each passing day, there was no sign of him. No communication at all.

"Sofia," Ruby was amazed at how much she was able to do in one day. "That's at least-"

"20,000," Sofia informed them. "I went to all six money bunny's."

Jamal gasped, "you should have been helping us sooner." Sofia rubbed at the wig she was wearing. It was red and short. In all honestly, she kind of liked the look. But the American Airlines flight attendant outfit wasn't her favorite.

"Well," she shrugged. "I had nothing else to do." But that wasn't entirely the truth. Sofia wanted to find Cesar just as much as they did. "How much more do we have?"

They all looked at the desk and noticed there was only one stack of cash left. "Holy shit." Jamal picked up the final piece of dirty money. "We're almost done."

"We nearly did it," Monse smiled at them.

"I can go do the last bit," Abuelita picked up the stack. "I'll be back after dinner." She walked out the door, and the moment she was gone, the others cheered.

"I can't believe we pulled this off."

Sofia laughed, "I can't believe we didn't get caught."

That caused everyone to laugh. "I say we go celebrate with burgers," Ruby spoke. There was a quick chorus of agreements, and Sofia reached to take off her wig. "Wait," he grabbed her arm. "Let's wear our disguises."

"Why," Monse questioned him.

"Because," he pulled at his jacket. "I kinda like it."

"Speak for yourself," Sofia knew she looked ridiculous. "I look like an idiot."

"Not really," Ruby shrugged.

"The dress fits you well," Monse began. "It fits your curves."

"What curves?"

"Well," Jamal never had a chance to speak.

"I swear to god if you say anything," Ruby pointed at him.

Jamal nodded, "that's probably for the best."

They were saved by a knock on the door. The four walked out, and Sofia made her way to the front door. Pulling it open, the four gasped. Oscar looked up at her but didn't have a chance to speak. He was partly in shock from her attire and the door that was slammed in his face. "Why did you close it," Ruby whisper screamed at her.

"What am I supposed to say," a moment of panic rushed through her. She didn't want to lie to Oscar anymore. It nearly destroyed their relationship already.

"Literally anything else than what you just did," Monse pointed at the door. "Tell him something!"

"Tell him we're role-playing."

All eyes went to Jamal, "okay, do not say that."

Sofia turned back to the door and took a deep breath. Trying to play it cool, she reopened the door. Oscar hadn't moved from his spot, but this time he looked annoyed. "Hey, Oscar." She put one hand on the door and the other on her hip.

"Way to play it cool."

"Dude," Monse slapped Jamal in the back of the head. "Shut up."

"This is not what it looks like," Sofia spoke slowly. "I promise."

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