Chapter 9

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The following day, Sofia found herself occupied with school work. She had thought about her conversation with Oscar but didn't put too much into it. The girl was determined to be his friend again, but that was all. Sofia wasn't going to fall back into her old high school ways, that was for sure. For now, her priority was college and her family. That was why she stayed in Freeridge to begin with.

Sofia's head cleared again, and she sat up in her bed wondering where everyone was. Her parents weren't home, the twins were at a friends, and Ruby never showed up with Olivia. Before she could think her phone was ringing, the caller ID said Ruby. She let out an annoyed sigh but answered. "What now, Ruby?"

"Well, hello to you too," his attitude was strong.

Sofia chuckled, "what is it?"

"Jamal is playing in the football game today," Ruby began his speech. "Will you come," there was a pause. "With the car in case he needs to go to the hospital?"

Sofia hesitated as she thought about his words, "yes. I can do that. Why is he playing in the game?"

"It's a long story," Ruby breathed into the phone. "I appreciate it, also can we get ice cream after?"

"Whatever you want, Ruby." Sofia pushed herself off her bed and grabbed a pair of shorts to change into. "I'll be there in ten."

"Okay, meet you at the concession stand, bring cash." With that, the phone clicked off leaving Sofia standing there. She stood in her spot for a moment before sliding on the shorts she was holding. Ruby's push for money didn't come as a surprise, it was something he would do. Sofia grabbed her wallet and slid it into her back pocket. It wasn't what she planned to do with her day, but Sofia wasn't complaining. She enjoyed spending time with her brother, even if he just wanted money.


Sofia stood with Ruby and Monse at the concession stand. Her brother was talking out loud about what snacks he wanted to get. Cesar and Olivia weren't with them, and Sofia could sense the tension between the two. "So," Sofia began talking to Monse. "Is everything okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be," Monse snapped. It was a clear indication that something wasn't okay.

"You haven't spoken," Sofia pointed out. "And you just snapped at me for asking."

Monse sighed, "I'm sorry. A lot is going on." Before Sofia could question it, Monse's phone chimed. "Olivia and Cesar are here. I'll go get them." With that, Monse was walking away from them.

"Popcorn, I decided," Ruby declared to the man behind the counter. The guy rolled his eyes but handed Ruby the popcorn anyways.

"Two dollars." Sofia pulled out the money from her pocket and handed it to the guy.

"Thank you," Ruby smiled while lifting a handful of popcorn to his face.

"You're welcome," Sofia raised her hand and messed with his hair. "So, are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"With what," Ruby brushed off her comment.

"With your friend group," she stepped around a pole. "I heard the arguing yesterday, and you wouldn't even look at Monse."

Ruby sighed and stopped his walk, "Cesar and Olivia kissed."

"What," his words shocked Sofia. "When?"

"Halloween," he looked at the food in his hand. "And Jamal knew and didn't tell me."

"How is that his fault," Sofia questioned. "And why is Monse upset?"

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