Chapter 2 - What!?

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Date:11th August 2021
Location: Ketchum's mansion , Carnegie Hill , New York
Time:6 am

It's a peaceful morning at ketchum mansion.Ash has completed his daily morning routine and is heading to the twin's room to say his goodbye.

He entered the room and saw that they were sleeping without a damn to the world.A smile made his way on Ash's lips  looking at them.He gave them a kiss on their forehead and left the room.

He came to the leaving room where his mom was standing waiting for him.

"Good morning mom"Ash greeted Delia as he reached near her.

"Good morning honey"Delia greeted ash.

"Today I will not be able to go for lunch and will be at home nearly by 6 pm '' Ash said as he hugged delia.

"Ok honey and I also have to tell you something during dinner"delia said releasing ash from hug.

"Yes you can tell me whatever you want to , see you at dinner , take care of yourself , troublemaker and the twins , call me if need help"ash aggred with delia

"Goodbye sweetie,"Delia said and kissed ash on cheeks.

"Goodbye mom"Ash said and walked to his car and entered it.Where he was greeted by harry.

"Master here is your schedule for the day"

"How many times I have to tell you not to call me Master , call Ash,"Ash said with a huge sign.

"Ok as you say mas......ash"Harry agreed with ash.

"Now that's good,"Ash said with a smile.

"Ash , Annabel has sent some cookies for you as a thanks for sending me home early,"Harry said as he took out some cookies.

"Please convey my thanks to her and it was not needed harry but what done is done so I will eat them afterwards with some tea"

"Ok ash,"Harry said.

Then they drove to the HQ.In half an hour they were there.Ash made his way towards his office after telling Harry to bring a cup of tea for him.

When he entered his office he saw a face which he didn't want to see in the morning.

He was ash's best friend gary oak.They both are childhood friends.Gary knows very well how to get on ash's nerves.He can be so annoying at times but when its comes to business he is a master mind.Ash's also don't know why he he is still friends with this Mr. Ego whose ego is as big a universe.

"Hey ashy boy , what's up"Gary said standing up from the couch where he was sitting.

"Don't call me with that name Gare-bear , and what are YOU doing in MY office"Ash shouted and got frustrated with Gary calling him an ashy boy.

"Ok ok I will stop calling you that and chill bro first have a seat , I have just come to meet my best friend"gary said as he sat on the chair opposite to ash.

Ash also made his way to his chair and sat there and said "So....."

"I came to give you these files,"Gary said, handing over some files.

"Do you have a soft copy of these files?"Ash asked in his businessman voice.

"Yeah I have , I thought you would ask so I brought it"Gary said, taking out a pen drive out of his suit pocket and giving it to ash.

Ash started looking at the files and checking them.Thats when Gary asked.

"So ash what are the twins doing"

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