Chapter 21

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Date:25 January 2022
Location:The Envoys Secret Base
Time:10 am

Kids dont read this.You will be informed when it is safe to read.

Star brought Robinson in a small pitch-black room with a circular ceiling lamp in the middle. They opened the light to reveal a chair in the middle of the room. The chair had some jute ropes on it, a part of which was hanging on either side of the chair, almost touching the ground. Star then placed Robinson on the chair and Calem tied him to the chair so tight he wasn't able to move his hands. “Let’s get this started with.” Said Calem as he cracked his knuckles.

Star poured a bucket of scorching hot water on Robinson to make him come back to his senses.

“I'm gonna ask nicely once, where are the Falcons?” Asked Star.

“Like I would ever tell you.” Replied Robinson with a smirk.

“In that case…. We will make you regret your decision” said Calem in anger as he punched Robinson across the face and held on to his collar while punching him more times. Star followed as he kicked Robinson multiple times on the back, stomach and a spot that gave him extreme pain. They both continued to hit him multiple times asking about the falcons again and again. Robinson just kept laughing and kept on saying “Falcons to me are more important than my life this is of no use.” After this, Star yelled in rage “You are a waste of life, someone who had the guts to touch my sister, you bitch.” They continued hitting him to the point that he started bleeding out and probably had a few broken bones but Star and Calem didn’t care at all. By the time they were finished, their clothes were filled with blood, had blood on their hands and some on their shoes. As for Robinson, his face had many cuts, swollen eyes, broken teeth, his hand felt numb, he was also having trouble breathing and his vision was blurred out so he was basically half – dead.

“This is your last chance, tell us the location of the falcons, and we might leave you alive.” Calem said while staring right into his soul.

Robinson knew that they weren’t going to kill him since they also didn't want to go to jail. “I know you won’t kill me so just know that I am not revealing anything.” said Robinson as he was trying to catch his breath. After just a few seconds, Calem punched him so hard on the stomach that he coughed out blood and started huffing. Star then threw him to the ground and took out another chair starting to hit him and broke the chair he was sitting on.

“Your Lucky he didn’t come here, cause after what you have done to his wife, I am sure he won’t hold back from bleeding you to death.” Said Calem.

"Send a doctor and get him all healed back like new.I guess we will give kyuubi a chance to get the word out of this piece of shit"Star told to another member of the organisation.He gave a curt nod and left Star and calem too left the room.

Robinson sat in a chair healed and looks like that never happened and he was tied to the chair……..but what he didn’t know was that what will happen now is worse than he can imagine- 
"My my you are a loyal one aren’t you "a certain orange haired individual walked in and said.

"Huh? Now who the fuck are you,cant you understand,I will never tell you about the falcons"

"Hmm? I never said I was here for that,I have other purposes" as the new guy revealed a trolley covered with a white cloth.

"Huh what the fuck is that now?" The fucking robing bird questioned .

"My toys" answered the orange haired guy.

"Ohh who could have left a child to roam around here,to think fools work here" said the damn mf

The guy didn’t say any put his hand under the cloth and slowly removed an item and robinson was horrified might be an understatement 
The item was a whip but 
With spikes and its made of iron.

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