A small crush

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I've scheduled my im-sexy night for this Thursday, so I buy all the necessary materials on the way home from work. 

First thing's first, I need to purchase all the ingredients for whatever meal I'm craving. This week, it's Hokkein noodles. I've got the sauces and noodles, just need to buy a few veggies. 

Next I buy the most luxurious 4 dollar strawberry cake the market has to offer. This usually lasts me the whole week, with a slice every night. I know how to ration cake very well.

Finally I buy some face masks from Sephora, and head home.

As soon as I get home I put on Meghan Trainor's album Title which I believe is the most wholesome yet badass album I've listened to. The next step, is changing into something pretty.

Tonight I'm wearing a dress that could be classified is lingerie, very transparent but in the most gorgeous emerald green. I've got some emerald jewelled earrings to match my outfit too, and redid my makeup. Sometimes I'll even wear some comfortable heels to up the sexiness. 

I mean, I look hot.

I call up my best friend Vikki as I'm making my noodles, who is also dressed to the nines and I'm hearing about her recently bad dates. 

"He was dressed like a cartoon character, bro. I swear it was a randomised outfit." Vikki says. I'm laughing so hard, I've missed her so much. 

"And how about you, babe? Any potential suitors?" she begins before her usual interrogation. 

I let out a laugh, before realising I too had some news, despite it being miniscule. 

"Okay, there's this guy-"

"What! I was just asking for shits and gigs!" Vikki's interrupts screaming.

"Woah, okay it's nothing big! Just a small crush."

"Define small crush, Dela." 

"As in... I'd let him do me in any way he liked." I say grinning. And it's true. I would. Tattoo man was hot.

Vikki demands more info, which I can't give much of since I'd only talked to the man twice, but regardless it was fun to talk about him. I'd missed the excitement of lusting over someone.

"Okay, you have my blessing. He sounds hot, go for it." I cackle in response.

"Fuck no, I'm not doing that. I'm not in the business for casual stuff anyways."

"Dela, you're deprived of touch, I can sense it. He seems like the perfect candidate. That elevator chick seemed to have been benefiting off of him, why can't you?" Vikki reasons.

I guess she's right, but I just know I'd get attached, which is what I tell Vikki.

"I mean... if you're sure, you're sure. But don't shoot the possibility down okay?" 

I grunt. Vikki proceeds to call me a baby.

We then eat our dinner together, me with my noodles and her with her pasta. Mid-way, I hear a knock at my door.

"Vikki someone knocked on my door, I'm gonna die. I don't have any friends."

"Stop being dramatic it's 7:45pm just open it, idiot." she replies with a mouthful of pasta.

I creep to the door, and look through the peephole.

I've got the full view of someone's neck, inked with tattoos.

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