Chapter 15 | New Beginnings

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(The Next Day)

Sophia's POV:

I'm going to his place to tell him how I feel...
After fixing my hair and makeup one last time, I'm off!

Dominic's Mansion
I knock tentatively on Dominic's door, practically overcome by nerves.
I hope he hasn't changed his mind...
Moments later, the door swings open. Dominic looks a little surprised that I'm there, but happy.
"I hope you have come with an answer...." He says, eagerly.
"I...I certainly have..." I stutter.

We gaze at one another for a moment. Then Dominic pulls me inside and kisses me.
"I've been waiting for this for so long..." he tells me.
"Me too..." I reply, smiling.
"Sophia..." he utters.
"Mmm?" I look at him.
"As amazing as this is... Shouldn't we talk first?" He asks me.
"I know. There's a lot to discuss." I reply.

I take a seat in the living room. He can't stop smiling.
"First of all... Thank you so much for coming." He smiles at me.
"You are being so formal... Are you nervous?!" I ask him, concerned.
"I know I come across as confident... but I guess all these years on my own has taken a toll." He tells me.
"Dominic... I chose you for a reason. I want this." I assure him.
"I know... It's just taking a while to wrap my head around it." He replies, nervously.
I reach for his hand.
"Well, you would better get used to it." I smirk at him.
"Heh... I'll try." He giggles.
"Carry on." I wait for him to speak.
"First off... I wanted to say just how grateful I am for you." He continues, "I feel like the luckiest man in the world to have you here."
"And I'm the luckiest girl." I reply with a smile.
"You are so sweet. I have...I have never met anyone as kind as you before." He tells me.
"Well, I'm all yours now." I wink at him.
I lean over to kiss Dominic. He sighs happily.
"God, I don't think I'll ever get used to that..." He continues, "Secondly...I know that this will complicate things at work..."
"Massively...that's worrying me too." I reply in dismay.
"Well, as much as I would love to continue to mentor you..." he continues, "I think it's best you get mentored by Dr.Lund now."
"But I can stay here?" I ask him, frowned.
"Ofcourse. I could never have you transferred... I want you around." He assures me.
" we are okay? To do this?" I ask him, nervously.
"Well... there's likely to be some opposition. I doubt anyone will approve..." he replies, disappointed.
"As long as it doesn't stir things up, I don't care." I tell him.
"Me neither... my job is always my priority, but... now you are too." He tells me.
"You mean that?" I ask him, doubtfully.
"Ofcourse. You are everything to me. I can't stand to lose you." He assures me.
I circle around the center-table to sit on Dominic's lap. He looks up at me in awe.

At Home
After my rendezvous at Dominic's mansion, I head back home. I see Cooper playing Uno with Olivia.
Olivia smiles and leaves the two of us alone.
"Cooper... We need to talk." I tell him, seriously.
I grip Cooper's hand as I sit next to him..
"So, I thought it over... about us..." I stutter.
"And?" He asks me, frowning.
He's not going to like this. I feel sorry for him already.
"What is it, Sophia?" He asks me, sadly.
"We can't get back together." I place my decision.
Cooper loses his grip over my hand and slouches. He was totally not prepared for this.
"Oh... So, you have decided, huh?" He asks me, disappointed.
"I thought it would work, but-" I continue, "But I guess it just isn't."
"Hmmm." Cooper stays mute.
"I hope we can still be friends?" I ask him, nervously.
"I don't know if that's possible, Sophia." He continues, "Anyway, it's time for me to move-on with my life as well."
"Meaning?" I question him.
"I'm moving to L.A.' He informs me.
"Cooper, are you sure you are alright?" I ask him, worried.
"Not really, but I'll get over it. New city, new life." He smiles at me.
That said, Cooper walks away.

That said, Cooper walks away

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