Part 2

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Izu's POV

I walked outside and I could believe my eyes Mina, Momo, and Uraraka were trying to hit on Nat and his boyfriend which made me giggle I walked towards them and tap on their shoulders

" Can a bitch get a hug around here?" I said to Nat's Boyfriend who jumped on me making me giggle as he was way too cute for nat

" Can a bitch get a hug around here?" I said to Nat's Boyfriend who jumped on me making me giggle as he was way too cute for nat

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Nathan aka Nat

21 years old

gay top 


Quirk- Dragon

Quirk Info- Can turn body parts into a dragon and can summon his own dragon that he has bonded within the dragon world he is also immune to all fire-based attacks he can use them to make him stronger he can also fuse with his dragon making himself a hybrid he can also speak and read in dragon he also has a longer life span

Drawbacks- Sometimes he speaks in dragon when mad and he has a permanent tattoo of a dragon on his to show that he has a pair already

likes-dancing, his boyfriend (Key), sweets, meat

Dislikes- Class 1a, homophobic people transphobic people, bullies, cheaters, spicy food

Dislikes- Class 1a, homophobic people transphobic people, bullies, cheaters, spicy food

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20 years old

Gay Bottom


Quirk- Transformation

Quirk Info Allows the user to transform into any person they have seen before allowing them short access to their memories and temporary usage of their quirk

Drawback- When overused put into a sleep-like state for 3 hours to recharge the energy they used to change into also they will be in the form they last transformed into

Likes- Sweets, hugs, cuddles, Izu (friend), His boyfriend, shopping

Dislikes- Sames as Nathan's without the spicy food


" Hey Izu are you ready for the dinner?" Nate said as he pulled his Key off me "Yeah let's go " I walked past and got into their car and we drove off leaving the thot squad standing there looking all shocked

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