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Chapter 1: Start a Family

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Chapter 1: Start a Family

Asia is woken up by a pair of soft lips and a ticklish stubble going down her neck to her chest.

Moaning quietly, though with Norman's hearing he heard it, she reaches her hands up and places it in his hair. Bringing him as close as she could.

With that action Norman pulled away from her chest and back up to her face.

Asia wraps her arms around his neck and gently pulls his toward her before a heated make out session began.

What was meant to be a cute little morning tease, turned into a full body workout the whole morning.

The two only getting out of bed once they couldn't take the sweat and stickiness of their body.


In the kitchen (Afternoon)

Now freshened up, Asia was making brunch as Norman went on his daily walk to let his cute guide dog, Zeus, relieve himself. Getting a morning walk in at the same time.

Once done she places everything on the table before sitting down and waiting for her husband to return. Asia having exciting news for the man.

Not long after, Norman returns letting Zeus off the leash, the boy immediately running to his water bowl.

"You were really thirsty huh boy?" Asia giggled as she watched the cutie move from his water bowl to the food beside it.

As Norman makes his way to you, you make conversation. "So much for you taking him on a walk. Zeus probably drank as much as he just released." Asia says as she shakes her head in disbelief.

Norman chuckled slightly as he sat in front of you. "This is why we take him out multiple times of the day. If we don't, he'll just pee everywhere and I know how much you hate mess." He says as he reaches his hand forward on the table feeling for his wife's hand.

Which he eventually grabbed successfully as she gave him a light squeeze.

"Yup! Which is one of the reasons I moved in two years ago. The way this beautiful home was becoming, I couldn't take it." Asia said dramatically eliciting a laugh from Norman.

The two continue to talk and eat, just enjoying each other's company.

Asia finally gained a bit of courage and hesitated slightly as she glanced up at Norman nervously. Almost as if he could sense it, Norman gives her hand a reassuring squeeze before asking what's wrong.

"I was thinking that, I'mreadytohaveababy!" She said quickly pulling her hand away from his to cover her face. Forgetting that Norman couldn't see her and becoming self conscious.

"You have to talk a little slower if you want me to understand," he chuckled before moving his eyes in her general direction, "Can you say that again for me slowly? You don't have to feel so nervous. We've been together for three years now." He gently urged his nervous wife who was acting different from her usual hyper and bubbly self.

Sighing softly, Asia calmed her nerves before looking at her husband's face. "I think I'm ready to have a baby." She said slowly this time, making sure to say every word clearly.

A gasp leaves his lips as tears come to his eyes.

The two of them have been using protection for as long as they've been together.

Although Asia loves Norman with all her heart, she wasn't ready to have a child yet. While he, who was grieving over the lost of one, wanted to have one as soon as they got together.

But understanding Asia's reluctance, he held off from putting pressure on her and waited for when she was ready.

Never did Norman expect for his wife to just say she was ready to have his baby during brunch.

"D-Did I hear that correctly?" He asks, a large smile appearing on his face as does his little habit of tilting his head, toward her.

Asia gives a big smile back as she rises from her seat, rounded the table and straddle his lap on the dining room chair.

Circling her arms around his neck, she grinds softly onto him. "I said, I'm ready to have our baby."

Once those words left her mouth, a squeal leaves soon after as Norman picks her up and made his way toward their room.

Asia clung to him giggling all the while as his hands grip her butt. Kneading into the flesh as if it was his first time touching her.

He places her onto the bed gently as he removes her outer clothes just as soft.

Once she was bare except for her underwear, Norman did the same to himself though more rushed.

"I want our baby to be a product of our love. Whether it's slow and hard or gentle and fast, my seed will go in you. And you'll eventually have a beautiful baby bump." As he says this he kisses her stomach with so much love and care it made Asia want to cry.

She felt a bit guilty for making him wait so long. But she felt it was even more special if the both of them were ready to have a baby rather than just one.

"Are you sure you want this? With how excited I am, once I'm inside of you for the first time without protection, I don't know if I can stop myself." He questions his wife seriously.

His desire to fill her up and let her have his baby was so strong he didn't know if he had the patience anymore.

So rather than hurting her in the long run, he had to clarify.

Asia nods her head breathless, forgetting Norman can't see her, as she gazes at her man's face that's beginning to have a dangerous glint to it. Almost feral looking.

A hidden desire sparked within her causing her nether region to heat up and soak the cloth covering it.

"Baby?" He wheezes out almost painfully as feels himself hardening to the point of it hurting. Feeling as if he needed some stimulation or he might die.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you couldn't see me. Yes, I want you and I want this. I want to have our baby." Asia whispers out, pulling Norman back up to her face, slamming her lips onto his and grinding against him.

This instantly causes a reaction out of Norman as he releases a deep growl from the pit of his chest.

"Come here."

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