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🚨Contains Sexual Content🚨

🚨Contains Sexual Content🚨

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Chapter 2: Pregnant

⚠️ Sexual Content Begins⚠️

Norman yanks Asia by her hips pulling her down on the bed fully so she's laying flat on her back.

He pulls down her underwear covering her bottom half as he spreads her legs.

Using one of his hands his gently runs it down her inner thigh, helping to guide him to her entrance (though he doesn't need to after the years of pleasuring her).

Asia was already dripping just from the touch of Norman, feeling his breath fan against her most intimate part.

"Norman~ Please..." She whispered out with a slight moan.

Listening to her, Norman immediately dives into her folds as he gives a long lick to her. Flattening his tongue to cover the entire slit.

A groan of pleasure instantly leaves his throat at the taste of his wife, stimulating her more.

"F-Fûck..." Asia was already panting. To this day she couldn't understand why her body reacted the way it did to Norman. Anything he did just made her crave him.

He sucked gently while keeping his tongue flat, allowing him to taste her sweet juices and rub against her clit at the same time.

Bringing two fingers down, he softly pushes them into her hole which squeezed against them as soon as he entered.

"Goodness baby," Norman huffs out before diving back in to lap her up. His fingers finally pushing through as he began pumping at a steady pace.

Asia arches her back off the bed placing her hands into her husbands hair gripping it tightly.

She grind against his face at a slightly fast pace as she felt the knot in her stomach begin to form. "Ohh~ Fück!"

Norman gladly allowed her to do what she wanted with his face. Enjoying the sounds from her as well as the taste that kept coming from her.

He greedily licked and sucked her folds as he pumped his, now three, fingers roughly into her. Trying his best to get her to spill more cum for him to devour.

But as soon as she was about to release, he stopped all movements and released her.

Asia let out a sob of frustration when he didn't allow her to release. "W-Why did you stop?" The wavering in her voice did not go unnoticed.

Norman smiled softly, "I want the first time you cum to be when I'm inside you filling you up with my potential child."

Although he had such a sweet look, his words were anything but.

Though, his vulgar words seemed to snap something inside Asia, for at that sentence she pulled him up and pushed him against the bed to lay on his back.

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