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After Rebirth, the Scum All Cry for Forgiveness Chapter 46:
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Zhong Youyou and Qin Yao went to dinner, leaving Yu Sixue with a pale face standing in place.

As he walked across the road to the restaurant, Zhong Youyou smiled, and from time to time he raised his eyes to look at Qin Yao, which made Qin Yao's ears red, and he had to be calm.

The two of them sat down in the window of the hotel. Qin Yao picked up the menu: "Look at what I am doing? Is there anything on my face?"

Zhong Youyou put his cheek in his right hand, tapped his fingertips on his chin, and said with a smile: "No, I just think you are a little more handsome today than usual."

Qin Yao was boasted of being a little confused, and shook his hand under the table, trying his best not to let himself exude uncontrollable joy from the inside out.

He calmly asked: "What do you want to eat?"

All orders in this restaurant are made by themselves to personally select live animals, such as soft-shelled turtle and duck, which are all selected at the back of the restaurant. This is also a feature of this restaurant, and the fresher ones are more delicious.

Zhong Youyou smiled, looked down at the menu, and picked a few dishes. Qin Yao took the menu from her and went to the hotel reception.

Zhong Youyou waited boredly, and then someone called her: "Classmate Zhong Youyou, are you eating here too?"

When she looked back, she saw two boys in the class, one of them was Shi Yimeng. He saw Yoyo sitting here alone, his expression went blank for a moment, and he subconsciously stopped.

The group of back-row boys who played well with Shi Yimeng knew Shi Yimeng’s thoughts. A teenager at this age thought that his thoughts were hidden very cleverly, but as everyone knows, he always turned towards Zhong Youyou during class. Look over there, the buddies in the back row have already known.

Upon seeing this, Xu Ming, a friend next to him, couldn't help being an assist: "Zhong Youyou, can you fight the table? Or sit together?"

"It's not very convenient." Zhong Youyou said, "There is someone across from me."

As soon as he finished his words, Qin Yao returned after ordering the food. He glanced at Shi Yimeng and another boy without saying anything. He sat down opposite Zhong Youyou and asked, "Your classmate?"

Zhong Youyou nodded.

Xu Ming glanced at Shi Yimeng, who turned around and left. Xu Ming hurriedly grabbed him. Xu Ming felt that Shi Yimeng was really awkward. He was still a bully in the class, and his secret lover's schoolgirl didn't dare to say it. Look now, Zhong Youyou was snatched away by another man, right?

He planned to help Shi Yimeng, so he smiled heartily and asked, "Can this handsome guy put together a table? Zhong Youyou is our classmate. You can't find other seats in this store..."

This restaurant is really hot. They just went around and didn't find a seat.

Who knows--

"Don't fight." Qin Yao was expressionless and cold.

"Isn't this a four-person table? We happen to be four of us." Shi Yimeng pulled Xu Ming with a black face, Xu Ming was still not convinced. This rival is too stingy, right?

Qin Yao had a stinky face, stretched out his hand, and pressed it on the table, like a crab: "My hand is relatively long, so I have to sit in the two-person position."

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