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After Rebirth, the Scum All Cry for Forgiveness Chapter 71:
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Zhong Youyou walked into the classroom, and the 19th class had already transitioned from shock to the current calmness about her being the fierce competition boss. Seeing her walk in, he didn't even start to drop his jaw.

But there are people who deliberately joked with her, saying: "Zhong Youyou's catching cold is over, you haven't come to class for more than a week."

Zhong Youyou knew this was a ridicule, smiled, and said nothing.

She walked over to the monitor and asked the monitor for the papers sent out these days. She is now in her third year of high school. There are dozens of papers a day, and it has accumulated a thick pile of papers over a week. The monitor should have asked someone to help her clean up.

Zhong Youyou glanced at the pile and asked: "That's all, right?"

The monitor handed her the paper, repeating the tone of the phone call she made to Ren Zi'an at the time, and glanced at her: "Hehe, how is it possible? Of course there is—"

The monitor took out a new one.

Zhong Youyou: "..."

The squad leader’s tone is as yin and yang as weird as it is, and everyone next to him is holding back a smile.

Zhong Youyou took the paper and went to Ren Zi'an, asking him to copy the blackboard notes he had written these days.

Seeing that Ren Zian hadn't moved for a long time, she asked, "Didn't you say that you helped me write it down? Didn't you remember it?"

As a result, Ren Zian, who has always been honest and serious, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked up at Zhong Youyou, and repeated: "Hehe, how is it possible?"

Zhong Youyou: "..." Damn.

The whole class couldn't help it, and burst into laughter.

Zhong Youyou couldn't hang on the bottom. How tightly he was covered in the waistcoat at the beginning, he slapped his face more when he fell. She was so embarrassed that her ears were red, and she said, "Don't be skinny, you won't be able to eat the meal I treat."

Everyone in the class was still laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Xu Xiaoyue took a glass of water from a distance and was coming in through the back door of the classroom. She came in silently holding the glass of water. She really didn't think that Zhong Youyou was the great **** she had always admired so much. She thought that she was like a star chasing at the beginning and scolded Wang Nuannuan for her online.

This kind of story of the enemy suddenly turning into a goddess is really complicated. She can't accept it for the time being, and her face stiffly squeezes everyone back to her seat, looking like she has been betrayed by Zhong Youyou.

She was a little depressed, mainly embarrassed, when she heard everyone laughing together behind her. Thinking of the words she had made to the great god, she wanted to find a hole to get in. Zhong Youyou must have laughed to death in his heart...

However, Zhong Youyou entered the national final this time, and the students were really happy for her. Of course, it was more of a proud pride.

Class 19, the formerly unknown class, has now become the Fengyun class because of Zhong Youyou. In the past year, which class can outperform their class, and even Shi Zhitang’s class 1 is not as good as them.

Someone suddenly said: "By the way, Zhong Youyou, can you help us make up lessons?"

Students make up lessons and teachers make up lessons are not the same. Different perspectives will help everyone more. For example, Ren Zi'an often helped his classmates with lectures, so he could easily understand what he said. However, when Li Dongping was in class, many people felt that he was listening to the bible. Li Dongping couldn't stop each student's knowledge blind spot.

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