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“What? Didn't you miss me?” He says with a smirk. 

“Min-jae… Leave me alone…” I said as I decided to sit back down. Min-jae decided to take a seat next to mine and pull his chair closer to me. I tried to scoot away from him but he stopped me by placing a hand on my lower thigh. 

“Hey, I'm not gonna do anything. I just wanna hang out with a friend.” He changed his smirk into a sweet smile. His smile seemed real, but he could also be faking it. I could feel he had bad intentions, so I began to worry and get nervous. “So, what are you doing here alone?” He asked as he rubbed my knee. 

“Min-jae-” I pushed his hand off of me. “-I'm not here alone…” He looked confused and chuckled. 

“Don't tell me, San is with you?” He looked around. “I don't see him around…” He looks back at me with a serious look. 

“I'm not with San, I'm with someone else. Now mind your own business and leave me alone.” I stood up uncomfortably and he did the same, but he grabbed my hand. 

“Come one (y,n). Why not leave whoever you came to see hanging and leave with me. I promise I'll make you happy!” He said and then a figure stood behind us. They grabbed Min-jae’s hand and made him pull away from me. “Hey! Who the hell do you think you are-” Min-jae was cut off by a familiar, low and serious voice.

“Let go of her…” I turned my head to see my father. He looked way too intimidating. His presence made clear who was more dominant here. Min-jae wasn't scared at all, in return he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. In the process I tripped with the chair, falling directly into him. My dad seemed to notice how uncomfortable I felt so he attempted to grab me but Min-jae pulled away. 

“This girl is mine! Who do you think you are?” Min-jae spoke up.

“Let go of (y,n). I'm giving you a warning.” People around us were staring, some were already standing up to leave the restaurant. Min-jae grabbed the knife that was set on our table and pointed it at my father. 

“I'm the one who will give you a warning! Leave me and (y,n) alone!” I tried pushing Min-jae away from me but failed.

“Min-jae, you're hurting me!” I said and tried again to get away. Min-jae looked at me for a few seconds and that's when my dad took the opportunity to grab the knife off of his hand. Dad somehow made him let go of me and Min-jae began screaming. 

“Let go of me!! (y,n)!!” I was surprised and took a few steps back. 

“Are you okay, (yn)?” My father asks and I nod gently. He let go of Min-jae and stood next to me. “Get out… I don't want to see you near my daughter again.” Min-jaes eyes opened wide as he stood up and took a few steps back. Without saying a word, Min-jae turned around and began walking away quietly. My dad turned to look at me. “Are you sure you're okay? Tell me, did he hurt you?” 

“No dad, im fine-” Without realizing it, i called him dad for the first time. He seemed to like it because he smiled.

“I'm glad my daughter is okay. But still, we should take you to the hospital to make sure.” He placed some money on the table and began taking me out of the restaurant and to his car.

“No seriously, I'm fine… i don't need-” He cuts me off.

“Who was that guy? What did he want from you?” He asked, interrupting me.

“Min-jae is a friend of my brother. He used to be nice and sweet, but ever since I started dating San he began to behave differently.” He looked at me for a moment and then at the road.

“Right... you do have a boyfriend.” He says. “Who is this San?” 

“San is a boy from my class. He is very sweet and a good friend. Let's say he has protected me from Min-jae before.” I said.

“So this is not the first time?” He asked and I looked away.

“We still don't know yet, but I think he follows me around. One day I was walking home from work at eleven, and someone was following me… then another day someone was stalking me in the place im staying at.” He listened closely and then grabbed my hand.

“Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again.” He said as we arrived at the hospital. I was taken inside and was checked. Everything was perfectly fine, and father was just overreacting. After being dismissed, dad took me to the school. San was standing against the closed gate with his foot against the gate. He seemed to be scrolling on his phone until we parked in front of him. “How about Saturday, i invite you to my house. You can bring your boyfriend, I'd like to meet him.” I smiled and nodded. 


“I'll send you the address on friday, I'm guessing your boyfriend can drive.” He looked at San’s car.

“Yeah. Thank you dad, I'll see you on friday.” I got out of his car and closed the door. After waving goodbye and my father driving off, San hugged me from behind and began whining.

“Why did you take so long! I missed you.” He said and I chuckled. 

“You won't believe what happened…” I turned around and looked away. “Min-jae showed up at the restaurant… He tried taking me away, but dad appeared and defended me.” San’s hand turned into a fist. “It's alright, he won't bother us.” I placed a hand on his cheek. Without thinking, I gently placed a kiss on his lips. He seemed to be kind of surprised and calmed down. “Let's go home. I didn't got to eat anything.” I frowned and San smiled. 

“Let's buy food first, then we can go home and chill!” San says and I nod.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!
Were you guys expecting Min-jae to appear?

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