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-(y,n)’s pov-

“Good morning princess…” I looked up to see a guy with a mask on. His hair covered the other half of his face so I couldn't really identify who he was. “Aww, no need to stare at me in despite, trust me, I don't like you either.” He says. I looked away from him and out the window.

“Can you please explain why I'm here?” I felt scared, but that couldn't stop me from asking. I had to get out of here as soon as possible and contact my dad and San. 

“Oh, darling, your really far away from home.” I could notice that he had a smirk under that mask. “Anyways, i am not here to keep you entertained, i am here to get you ready for your next flight out of Korea.” He walked over to the closet of the hotel room I was kept in. I was scared to be honest. 

When i was kidnapped, i was put to sleep, then a few hours later i woke up in this hotel room, with my wrists tied up behind my back and my legs were tied up as well. Even if I struggled to get out, I was too weak to break the zip ties, and there were some people who always kept an eye on me. The window was out of the list of escaping because we were on a high floor. “I don't wanna leave…” I tried demanding.

“Don't act like you're in charge of me sweetie. I am getting payed pretty good to do this job. I am not throwing this job away any time soon.” His hand pulled my chin up as he got close to my face. I stated back in pure hatred.

“I wanna go home…” My eyes became teary and he jerked my face away as he walked back.

“Do not pull the innocent and sad card on me. It will never work, dear.” He walked back to the closet and began packing my things.

“I wanna go home! Why was I brought here!?” I questioned once again.

“Look little girly, you were brought here because I was ordered to do so, now I need to take you somewhere else as I was ordered.” 

“Was Min-jae the one who ordered you? It's that guy isn't it!” I said, this time wishing I had kept quiet after being slapped on my cheek.

“You are getting on my nerves!” The man says annoyed and raised his hand at me once again. “So shut up already!!” He hit me once again, I yelped in pain as I landed on my back and from the bed I fell to the floor. “Next time you question me again, you'll end up worse…” He rubbed his wrist as I laid on the floor, with tears in my eyes. 

The man left once he was done, and I cried until I fell asleep.

-San’s POV- 

“So tell us, Since you were at the scene… Please include every detail, and be fast about it. Someone out there has my Daughter kidnapped.” Mr. Kim speaks to the man who was sitting on a chair in front of his desk. Mr. Kim was sitting on the opposite side of the man. Some of Mr. Kim’s men were standing behind the guy in question, and Hongjoon stood behind his father. I just stood aside in the same room, staring as everything went down.

“Look, I don't know who the guy was! But those girls were standing on the side of the road, and a van stopped next to them. Next thing I know, one of the girls jumped in the van and a guy got out, pulled the other girl in after knocking her out and the van left, leaving the guy behind.” The man explained.

“Wait!” I stood up and walked over towards the guy. “You're saying Ellie… or one of the girls jumped in the van? A guy also jumped out and Kidnapped (y,n)?” The stranger nods.

“I was in my house… Staring through the window…” 

“San?” Mr. Kim called me out. “The only witness besides this guy was Min-jae!” I told him. “I knew he was the one!” 

“Hongjoong, go and find Min-jae…” Hongjoong nods and i followed him. 

“Where are you going San?” Mr. Kim asks.

“I can't just stand here and do nothing when that guy is out there!! He kidnapped (Y,n)!!” I spoke and then left with Hongjoong after Mr. Kim nods. 

“Do you know where he lives?” Hongjoong asks as we got in his car. 

“No, but I think (y,n)’s brother knows. They used to be friends.” Hongjoong nods. 

“Is he at your place?”

“Yeah... “ Hongjoond began driving towards my house, and an hour later we arrived to be received by Min-jae standing there with Dae. Anger boiled through my veins. 

“Stay calm, we're here to bring him back. Let Mr. Kim takes care of him…” I took a deep breath and nodded. “Stay here…” Hongjoong gets out of the car and walked over to Dae and MIn-jae. He began talking and then gestured to the car. I tried everything to stay calm as they both walked to the car. Hongjoong open the back door and he got it. 

“Wait… San?” Min-jae asked as he looked at me. Hongjoong closed the locked door and he attempted to open it but failed. “Why are you locking me in here?” He attempted to open the other door and failed once again. Hongjoong got on the driver's side and decided to put on some music. 

“Why don't we relax, we ARE gonna be in a long car drive back to the hotel.” He says, causing Min-jae to attempt to open the doors again. “Your not gonna be successful… Now, lets go…” Hongjoong began driving. 

“Why are you taking me?! Who are you even! You do not work with the police, do you?” Min-jae asks in a panic. 

“You were involved in the kidnapping…” 

“(Y,n)’s kidnapping! And you are the one who did it! Ellie was also involved wasn't she?” I Questioned him. Min-jae sat back and began with a simple chuckle, then bursted laughing. My eyes opened wide as he showed his true self.

“What if I did! I would never tell you where she is! I won't tell you if she is alive or dead!! She's finally mine, and I won't let you take her away from me ever!!!” He shouted. I attempted to calm down but anger got the best of me. I jumped to the back of the car and began attacking Min-jae. 

“San!!! Calm down!!!” Hongjoong stopped the car and attempted to pull me back, but that didn't stop him from punching his face over and over again. “CHOI SAN!!” I stopped as I realized what I was doing. “If you kill him we will never know where she is!” I pulled myself back to the front seat and buckled up. “You knocked him out… He will be sleeping the entire ride I guess…” I Looked out the window, not carrying what Hongjoong was saying.

The drive was silent after knocking Min-jae out, and when we arrived, Hongjoong drove to the back of the hotel. “No one will see us bring an unconscious man to the floor….” Hongjoong got out and ordered some men to grab Min-jae and drag him upstairs. “You should rest, My father and I will take care of everything…” I nodded lightly and walked in, but instead of going in the elevator, i walked out to the lobby and searched for the cafeteria. 

Hello!!! I hope you guys like this chapter!!!

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