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"We have arrived…" Seonghwa said as I looked up. I noticed I was staring at a sleeping (y,n) this entire time and didn't realize we arrived pretty quickly to the hotel. "You two should rest, I'll go give Mr. Kim the news." I nod and gently shake (y,n) away from her slumber. 

"Huh…?" She was confused and very tired. 

"Wake up sleepy head. We arrived at the hotel." I smiled down at her and she just rubbed her eyes. We walked out of the car and started heading inside the hotel and to a room. The room had two beds and I helped (y,n) get comfortable in one. Then I decided to go to Mr. Kim to see what had happened with Min-jae. 

"I don't recommend you to go inside…" Hongjoong says as I. Was about to open the door to his office. 

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Kim thought Min-jae deserved some… punishment for messing with his family…" I could already imagine what he meant. Mafia people don't really have mercy on those who don't deserve it. 

"I still wanna see… I won't be able to stay calm until I see him suffer and ask for forgiveness…" I said. I was very angry after all that he did to MY precious (y,n). 

"He has lost his mind. He will never ask for forgiveness… he'd rather die…" Seonghwa said as he walked out of Mr. Kim's office. "Mr. Kim is not here for now. So you can't really go in." I just let out a sigh in annoyance. 

“I wanna do something to that bastard to make him pay…” 

“We all do, but i already took care of the job.” I turned around and saw him. (y,n)’s dad was standing behind me, dressed up in a suit and his hair gelled back. “San, you shouldn't get your hands dirty… You are a good kid.”

“He is right, San. Maybe you should go back to the room and rest. We will take care of the rest.” Hongjoong says and i nod silently, walking back to the room. Before i could walk in, i noticed that Mr. Kim’s men were taking out a bloody Min-jae with a black bag over his head. Mr. Kim had given them some instructions and they were taking him somewhere else. Then some other guys walked in the office with cleaning supplies  as Mr. Kim walked out with a bag on hand. I decided to stop spying on them and walked back in the room to see (y,n) wake up from her slumber. 

“You startled me…” She says as she rubbed her eye with her hand. 

“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up…” I walked to her and sat on her bed next to her. 

“San… I was so scared…” She says as she brings her knees up to her chest and hugs her legs. I could tell she was still sad and slightly traumatized. “I didn't know what to do…” I scooted closer and pulled her in a hug. 

“It's okay, you're here with me, okay?” I said, reassuring her that she was now safe. I rubbed small circles on her back. “Min-jae will never hurt you again.”

“How do you know that?” She asked and looked up at me. 

“Because, I will never leave you alone again… I promise.” I gave her a smile and she let out a very soft chuckle. 

“You know-” She started talking and she shifted her body a little to get more comfortable. We slowly fell back on the bed and just laid there. I waited very patiently for her to continue talking. “I actually like you San…” She finally said it. Excitement filled my heart. I wanted to jump and scream. I Ran across the room like a little kid with happiness, but I decided to stay laying down since I was actually comfortable and so was (y,n). “Being away from you made me realize that it's so lonely without you. I wanted you to save me. I also wanted my dad to save me, but you were always in my mind. I really was scared I was never gonna see you again and admit it.” I pulled her closer to me and kissed her lips. Her hands gripped my shirt tightly, and I gently cupped her cheeks. 

“I’m happy you finally realized it!” I said excitedly. We continued talking for a while more before we fell back asleep, cuddling.

-(y,n)’s POV-

I woke up to notice i was staring at San’s back. He was sleeping so peacefully still. I got up and began looking around the hotel room we were staying in. I was still confused by everything that was going on. Why did we came back to a hotel instead of home? Why can't I see my mother yet? Where is Min-jae? I feel like everything’s not over yet. I wish for everything to be over. I wanna go back home with Dae, Mom and Dad if it's even possible. See San at school, go on normal dates, visit him at his place or he can visit me. I just want a normal life, but things seem to be getting crazier. 

I headed to the bathroom, took a white robe that the hotel provided us and took a nice long warm shower. After my relaxing shower, I dried myself and put on the robe, peeking my head out to see if San was awake. 

“Good Morning….” He said as he sat on the bed, waiting patiently for me to get out of the bathroom.

“Good Morning San… Do you think you can get me some clothes…?” I asked shyly and he smiled, nodding at me. 

“Of course! I'll need to brush my teeth…” I nodded and walked out of the bathroom with my robe on. I hugged myself and San walked in the bathroom to brush his teeth and changed. Once he finished he went out to get me some clothes. He came back with a few bags in hand and handed them to me. I smiled happily and thanked him before going back to the bathroom to put some clothes on. I walked out quite happy with San’s pick of clothes. He clapped his hands excitedly. “You look cute!” He says and hugs me tightly. “Lets go get breakfast, then we can go see your dad.” He says and I nod slightly before walking out of the room and towards the cafeteria. We ordered breakfast and then San took out something from his phone. 

“This is yours… It was brought back to me…” He handed me my phone and I smiled. 

“Thank you San…” I unlocked it to see Many pictures of San and I. I opened camera and decided to take pictures of San while he ate. He didn't notice at first before he took my phone away with a wide smile.

“Hey!! What are you doing?” He asks while laughing and covering his mouth with one hand. I laughed as he began scrolling through my gallery and seeing all the pictures I took. We laughed and he then began taking pictures of me. I attempted to hide my face until we were interrupted. 

“San, (y,n)!” A tall guy walked to us and San smiled. 

“Seonghwa!” San stands up.

“Mr. Kim would like to talk with you both.” The guy, Seonghwa, says and San nods as he grabs my hand and we begin walking back upstairs. We arrived at a different room near ours and walked in. The first thing we were greeted with was my father and another young guy like Seonghwa.  

“(Y,n)!” My father calls my name and walks towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and hesitated at first to give me a hug. I didn't know how to react at first but then I just relaxed and hugged him back. “I’m glad your okay…” He lets go of me and noticed my hand. “When did this happen?” He asked as he gently looked at the scar on my hand. 

“When I escaped the guy holding me… I stabbed him with a piece of glass, but I gripped it too tight I guess…” I explained and then he let out a sigh.

“Please give me and my daughter some time to talk…” He says. San, Seonghwa and the other guy walked out as they talked. “I’m really glad you called me…” He smiled. “When you called me Dad, I felt like I had the opportunity to make things right between us.” He says.

“I guess…” I felt slightly embarrassed. 

“Please don't call me Kim. I would like it better if you just called me dad…” He says and I nod.

“I have a few questions… Dad…” 

“Go ahead and ask…” He said as I took a seat on a couch.

“What happened to Min-jae? What is your actual job?” I asked and all of a sudden, he became serious.

“(y,n)... I’m sorry, but I can't tell you…"

Two's Company  |  Choi San  |  ATEEZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now