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It seems to always start as a calm, nonchalant morning, doesn't it?

The Heathens were all sitting around their breakfast nook, eating their meals in silence, the only noise being the scraping of utensils against bowls and plates and the occasional sip of orange juice or coffee. All of the teens were deep in thought, the quartet still waking up and groggy from a late night of watching horror flicks.

The shrill ring of a phone snapped everyone out of their sleep-induced trance, which made everyone glare at the metal device that cheerfully buzzed on the countertop without a care in the world. Jade was the one to make a move for the cell phone - seeing as it was hers to begin with - snatching it off the countertop and looking at the caller ID. She rolled her eyes, glancing up at the trio that was looking at her like she was the one that was shrieking obnoxiously. "Al Ghul is calling."

"Gross." Jason muttered, sipping his coffee.

"Answer it." Tara shrugged. "He probably wants a progress report."

"Or he is sending us on another mission. God, I hope that isn't the case. I am so not in the mood for a mission right now." Rose groaned.

Jade ignored her Kittens, answering the call. "Cheshire speaking."

"I would assume so, seeing as I called your cell phone." al Ghul replied shortly. Jade rolled her eyes.

"To what do I owe the call, Demon's Head?" She purred, putting on the "Cheshire Voice," which made the other Heathens glance over at her before deciding it was not worth their attention.

"The Light has heard of your successful mission," he levely responded, "Congratulations, I expected nothing less after your last encounter with the team of sidekicks went... awry."

Jade winced, reaching over for the large mug of coffee. She needed caffeine for this conversation. "Aw, thanks."

Rose tilted her head, before mouthing "mission?" with a look of anxiety and annoyance.

Apparently the shrug the cat-themed assassin gave was enough for her as she stuffed an overflowing spoon into her mouth with a content hum.

"I am not the only member of the Light who thinks this way," Ra's continued, "And they wish to meet you and the team."

"We would love to."

"That's not all," he continued as Jade rolled her eyes, "We would like to analyze the worth of your team to the Light."

The edges of the latter's lips twitched down. "Sure," she smoothly shot back, "Name a time and place."

That got looks from the teens, who visibly sagged and let out bleary groans into their finished breakfast.

Cheshire hummed into the phone, assuring Ra's that the Heathens would be there before hanging up. She turned to her younger counterparts, all of whom were staring at her with 'bleh' expressions on their faces, not looking forward to a meeting with the Light. "Oh, cheer up."

"Why?" Tara grumbled, grabbing her dishes and walking to the sink. "What is there to cheer up about?"

Jason joined Tara in the kitchen. "Yeah, unless we get to beat someone up, I don't see what there is to cheer up about."

Jade winked.

Rose narrowed her eyes. "We are meeting with the Light. You know them, right? Bunch of stiff old biddies. But powerful stiff old biddies. There is no way we are beating on them."

"I never said we were beating up the Light." Jade sang, sauntering out of the room and leaving her dishes behind. Rose noticed this and cursed.

"She always does this. Makes us clean up after her." The white haired mercenary muttered. "For team leader, she sure is lazy."

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